I am on Wk8, R2. In theory I completed it this morning. But that’s where the problem lies - the ‘theory’.
Ever since the beginning of Wk7 I’ve had a problem....about 12-17 minutes in to the run I have to go to the loo - and I’m not talking about going for a ‘tinkle’ 😂
This meant that it took about two weeks to finish W7 because I’d have to come home and, as I wasn’t technically running the full distance consecutively I would stop there and wait for my next run.
This problem is continuing in W8. I did run one twice before successfully completing it and now I’ve done R2 THREE times and had to stop at 17 minutes and then on the second attempt at 5 minutes AND 12 minutes. Today I got up at 5 am. Pottered around. Drank coffee (everyone says that works!), drank a pint of water. But STILL at 14 minutes I had to stop at my house (I’ve taken to running up and down my road) and go.
I do go as soon as I get up but my body seems to get going again once I start running.
Anyway, today, I just went back out and completed the run and I’m going to bag it as I can’t just keep going round and round in circles. It’s driving me mad.
I guess my question is - is that ok or am I breaking a sacred code. I’ve been sponsored a lot of money to do this (I’m massively overweight and people are finding it highly amusing that I’m doing this) and I don’t want to ‘cheat’ them by not doing the run 100% consecutively. But equally I can’t just keep doing this over and over again.
I also can’t do a Paula Radcliffe. Help! I’m
SO frustrated.