I’ve just completed Week 9 run 1 and even though I’m running for the full 30 mins and doing the 10 mins walking I’m still only up to 4.6k. I can’t run any faster than I’m going at the moment. Just wondering if anyone else has found the same?
Still not covering 5K: I’ve just completed Week... - Couch to 5K
Still not covering 5K

This is one of the most common questions from Week 9-ers and graduates.
The program would be better if it was called 'Couch to 30' in my opinion - it's a time-based program and you're asked in Week 9 to run (JOG!), 3 times for 30 mins - nothing more, nothing less. Distance is not mentioned at all - only in the title, unfortunately.
Have a look at this poll from a long time ago - you're in good company:

Excellent progress, speed is not important, that will come with time and endurance

🍏 many , many of us only ran 5k well after graduation!! You only need to run for 30 mins to graduate! Then after graduation you gradually increase your distance each week until you are ready to run 5k. For some it doesn’t take long for others it takes ages. It’s about running at a comfortable pace and staying injury free that’s most important! Hope this helps you to relax and enjoy what you are doing! That’s the important thing!!

There is absolutely no requirement to run 5K.... The idea is just to be able to run for 30 minutes, comfortably and of course enjoyably...
Your run, your pace and mine is slow and steady... you are doing just fine. Relax and enjoy... and very well done you!
This linked post makes great reading !

15 months after graduation I still can't run 5k in 30 minutes. However 2 years ago i couldn't run for 5 minutes! I just enjoy doing what I can and don't worry about the distance.

Morning. Absolutely- three years on I am a long way off 5k in 30 mins - it takes me 40 at best but more usually 42. No longer care - the very fact I can “run” for 30-40 mins (or elevate my heart rate) is enough. I just remember how 1 minute felt in the beginning to realise how much fitter I am and I’m also 3 years older!

I've never run 5k in 30 mins. My pb is 36 min, and I seem to be getting slower 😂.

Also have never run 5k in 30mins- even years after finishing the programme. 😊
It annoys me every now and then and I’ll try to get to sub-30 but I enjoy running further than faster so I’ve focussed on that for the moment 😊

Have never run 5k in 30 minutes. When I finished the program I could run for 30 minutes and a couple of weeks later I could run 5k, but not in 30 minutes!