Having a really tough time with week 5, that 20 minute run just isn’t happening 😢
Week 5 struggles!: Having a really tough time... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 struggles!

You'll get there - it feels like a bit of a big step up but all that you've done before it should hold you in good stead. Keep going ...

I have this one to do on Friday... not keen I have to say!! Found today hard. Have you tried and had to stop? I could have sat down and cried this morning on my second 8 minute run, thankfully I had my son with me and I managed to run till the end.
Yes tried managed bout 11 mins then walked for a bit ran a bit more until the end , feel really disappointed as it’s the first one I haven’t been able to complete!! ☹️
It will 😉. Don't put pressure on yourself, take a deep breath, go very slowly and you too will run for 20mins.
If possible go out when it's cooler
Go slower than a slow thing that is slow (you can always speed up further into the run)
How about changing your music? Listening to a podcast/audio book?
Can you vary your route, even just doing it in reverse or on the other side of the road can help.
If you really do struggle Distraction will get you through.
I feel like I’m going barely faster than walking pace 😆 what sort of average pace should I be looking at ?? Maybe will try listening to a podcast rather than music.
Average pace is the one you can sustain and mostly hold a conversation. Your average pace is your average pace 😉. All you need to be able to do is keep going for the duration of each run. Speed doesn't matter, until after graduation - which is 30 mins of non-stop running (5k usually -according to a poll last year - for90% of us, comes later and takes longer than 30mins).

As Annie says, just keep it slow. Distraction has been the making of me, so to speak, and since I got music going for the longer runs, I've found it much easier in general. Plus, the feeling you get when you do that 20 minutes is immense. I couldn't stop smiling all day. You can do this!

Keep going Clare you can do it. I know it has been said, but try to go even slower, there's no such thing as too slow. My walking pace was actually faster than my runs and I have heard many others say the same, so don't feel as though there's a right pace here. Relax into it and don't be afraid to slow it down. It's a lot better than sitting on the couch! So, well done for getting out there too. Enjoy your rest day and give it another go! Many of us have to change our tactics as we go along and come across different challenges. You can do it! ❤️

Thanks for all the feedback and encouragement, I’m probably not going to get out til the weekend as have circuits on a Thursday, but will let you know how I get on 🤞💪
Try to go out with the most positive mindset you can. Go out thinking I WILL do this. I'll do it for... something or someone that means the world to you. Go out there ready to show the world and the doubting gremlins that you've got this 👍😉 go as slow as you need to but just don't stop... its only 6 or so songs...
Don't set out thinking I can't or won't be able to or anything negative. Negatively is not a good passenger 😁