I managed to finish W7R1 ok but can't seem to complete any more 25 minute runs. I've had 4 attempts but end up walking for sections. Feel like Ive hit a wall. I'd be grateful for any advice.
Stuck on week 7. Can anyone help please? - Couch to 5K
Stuck on week 7. Can anyone help please?

Talk me through what happens leading up to you stopping.
Its nearly always when Ive gone up an incline. I feel like I just can't get enough air in and dont have the energy to push myself to keep going. I thought it might be because of the heat so didn't go out til this evening when it had cooled down but the same thing happened. Its impossible to avoid hills where I live. Also Im now starting to worry Im not going to finish before I even set off
“Feel like you can’t get enough air in” or actually “can’t get enough air in”? Any asthma problems usually?
The heat is having lots of impacts. It’s ruining your hydration just living day and night. It’s making you much hotter whilst you run. It’s shaping when you run. And so on.
Have a couple of rest days before you try again.
If you reach the struggle again, become a good witness. Notice what is happening. And mentally challenge it. Encourage yourself to go for one more minute before you review what to do. And try to push yourself through.
Remember this far into a run you actively need to choose to stop running. Your body is on autopilot. You don’t need to force yourself to run. It pretty much just runs. Use that in your favour - keep going.
Good luck with it. You know you can do it because you have already. Keep us posted.
How frustrating for you. Perhaps aim for 20 then when you get to 20 just tell yourself one more minute until you get to 25. I think the general advice is to slow down and keep hydrated.. good luck x
Wk 7R2 was my worst run and week 7 my worst week. Keep going, you will get there. The heat won’t be helping, can you run early to avoid it? I was out at 5:45am today because I really struggle in the heat. How about running a different route? You’ve come so far, you’ll get there, slow and steady 👍

Slow, slower, slower still if needs be, but overall believe in yourself, you have done it already so you can definitely do it again, just think how far you have come, remind yourself of why you set off on this journey.

Can you distract yourself with music or a podcast? It could just be a mental block now.
My advice would be to slow down & think of it as little chunks of time rather than a full 25 minutes. I think in 10 minutes at a time now. Good luck, you'll crack it 🤗

We'll get you through this.
First of all, you're probably tired, both from doing these longer runs, and from not sleeping so well in the heat. So allow yourself a few days off running if you need to.
Next, I reckon that you deserve to find a new route. You want somewhere that will distract you running (oh, nice view...) and prevent you from running past point where you've previously stopped. I know that you said that your runs are all hilly, but perhaps it would be worth travelling to somewhere flatter for W7r2.
Finally, you have to get over the gremlins and sort out the run psychologically. Agree with yourself that you will run to the end of the music track that you have playing, and then reassess your running. You can then stop running only if there is uncontrollable bleeding, or imminent seizure.

In addition to all the other great advice when you get to an incline shorter steps help me keep going.
Is there a short loop (5-10 min)with minimal inclines you can do a few times to get your confidence back?
It sounds like you're having a mental battle. So do whatever you need to in order to gag those gremlins who are chipping away at all the awesomeness you've achieved.
When the gremlins get louder than the distractions I use form checks and telling myself I'm fine or I can do this.

Also look for tips with the hills - lots of really, really short steps. Maybe also some distraction techniques? Comedy podcast or audiobook or play a game of count the cars or ...
good luck! I know you can do it and so does everyone else here!

I am better with a ‘boring loop’ when trying to achieve a goal, for some reason. So I just plod round and round a football pitch, listening to the radio and trying to avoid the blinking dogs that like to rush up and bark (grrr). Good luck.

Hi just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their support and advice. I used just about everything you recommended.... revised route, slower pace, smaller steps running up hill, going out earlier in the morning to avoid the heat and a new playlist.....and it worked. I completed the 25 minutes runs and have done the first 28 minute one. I still found it hard but was able to push myself to finish. Thanks again ❤

I missed your original post and have just read it now. Well done on beating those gremlins, good luck for the other runs and all who gave you advice, you are awesome, love this forum.