I’ve ‘met’ so many people on this forum and on bridge to 10k. Such fab support! I wish I could meet you all in person over coffee. Obviously not possible as everyone is everywhere. Does anyone else feel like this? Or am I just sad 😂
Friends : I’ve ‘met’ so many people on this... - Couch to 5K

I often feel like that Tasha including yourself!! Where are you? I’m in Bournemouth.
I'm in Cheshire...We could meet in the middle! I keep wondering when I run past people if it might be someone I've been chatting with on here!
I feel exactly the same! When I see someone walk/running I think: are they doing C25K and have I chatted to them on this forum??
I think that every time I see a runner. But what's the chances eh!

Feel the same. There are a load of people that I’d love to just sit and chat with and get to know. A shared challenging experience is very bonding.

Would be nice to share the highs and lows with of C25K

Definitely not just you and not sad at all. I think it would be great just need a organiser and motivation.

Definitely! It’s such good fun. I’m in Swindon. ❤️

I’m in Derbyshire too @Jay66Uk 😃. You can meet up with peeps. I’ve met Mike, Rita, Aliboo and Murph so far

Maybe we should.organise some Parkrun tourism!

ParkRun tourism sounds great! Oops haven't managed one park run yet, but it will come. What fun to put faces to names!