Today I woke later than expected and the gremlins had obviously had something to do with it, as they were immediately on the case. “It’s too late to run now!” one yelled while trying to pin me in bed with my duvet. The temptation was to remain recumbent and return to my slumbers, but good old Mr Razouski, my knight in shining armour, came to my rescue, threw back the duvet and presented me with a cup of tea?
In response to my groans and protestations, he pointed out that he thought I’d planned to run this morning, and was just trying to be helpful. So I reluctantly admitted I could run, but it would have to be a short one as I had a hospital appointment to get to. I left my gremlins jumping up and down on my bed, while I got into my kit, thinking about how I could get the best from my run this morning.
When I did C25K I ran with the Lovely Laura, and have used her speed podcast a few times, but absolutely detest it. I couldn’t bear the thought of her torturous intervals even though I know they are good for me.I’ve seen so many comments about Michael Johnson, I decided that perhaps he could come with me on my run, and use week1 as a kind of fartlek programme. And so it was that Michael and I started off on a brisk 5 minute walk. When he said to run I attempted to run faster than my usual pace and when he suggested I walk I decided I would run at or below my usual pace to get some recovery. His dulcet tones kept the gremlins away, and at the end of the last “fast run” I continued with my usual pace through his cool down walk and further. Before cooling home to get me home. That last km of running felt such an effort, I think the gremlins had caught up with me and I felt like Gulliver with the Lilliputian like gremlins attempting to tie me down with strings, pulling backwards to stop me going on.
But despite feeling knackered afterwards I was totally chuffed to find the fartleks paid off and I’d beaten my previous PB for 5km. I’d been unable to get below 27mins for so long I’d almost given up on it, but today my 5km was completed in 25minutes and 30seconds. 😅
Perhaps I should get Michael Johnson to come running with me more often.