Did this run yesterday (Sunday) morning. Relatively cool, and was looking forward to it, but didn’t enjoy it. Didn’t struggle as such, just didn’t enjoy it...
W7R2: Did this run yesterday (Sunday) morning... - Couch to 5K

I've just finished W7 and found the same. Read a couple of posts and one in particular struck a chord - up until now, we've been used to getting little victories by being told we've hit 5/10/15 mins. The intervals that MJ uses at W7 didn't quite suit me - but I found that the Runkeeper app tells you when you hit each 5min mark and this comes along just at the right time for me to give me that little boost.
R2 was better and by R3 it was fine. I found my times/distance had improved and has given me a boost for W8. Getting to W7 is fantastic and if we enjoyed everything we did all the time we'f think we were weird and/or certifiable Keep up the great work.

Some runs are more enjoyable than others-there are lots of reasons to cause this and it’s just part of being a runner. 😃
I find playlists of favourite music or radio four podcasts really helpful to enable me to relax and enjoy the run and to ignore the voices of the gremlins! 😃
Having said that, the first time I did C25K, W7 was my horror week, ( Brain: What do you mean, run continuously for all that time?!! Legs: Yeah, we’re not that kind of legs! 😂) I’m glad to say it was a bit better by week 8 - and a lot better by W11! 😀
W7R1 just done, it was hard to think about the 25 mins and could have easily given up in this heat even though I left it till 8:30pm. But once I got past the first 5 mins I settled into it. Finding running to podcasts from R4 like Desert Island Discs much easier as I lose track of time.
Just listening to my music playlist meant I was constantly thinking about how many tracks before the next time interval.

I did the same run at the same time. I knew I would be slower and find it harder as I missed a lot of sleep Friday night due to bucket duty with an ill child.
Carried on and I found my mind didn't wander as easily either so it felt really long and there was no way I could speed up for the last 60 seconds.
Sometimes we just have a duff run, reason known or not.
Ready for tomorrow but I think I'll have to go as soon as I wake to beat the heat.