Toss up between sleep getting our exhibition on the walls and squeezing in a run or two argh this is hard! Switzerland and Slovenia distracting me from heavy legs and a little voice saying “ come on 20 mins will be enough....” determined to try to get three runs in this week, it’s got to get easier at some point right😫🏃♀️☁️☁️🙏🏻⚽️📶
2 x consolidation tough times....: Toss up... - Couch to 5K
2 x consolidation tough times....

A lit of posts tonight about motivation (thanks to ju-jus video on the Bridge to 10k 10 is the magic number plan), I go back to my original reason for starting, improving my fitness and losing weight, and through a combination if the programme and changing my eating habits (most of the time) I am achieving what I want to, reading your profile, your reason for starting sounds similar to mine, keep focused on that and hopefully you will find the time for yitr53 runs 🤞💪

Sometimes life is just too busy! I think you’ve got just the right way to look at it though. Even though you can run for 30 minutes, if all you’ve got time for is 20 then that is 20 minutes better than nothing! And in W5R3 that was the best run ever!!
Agree..I have serious runner work colleague who has done several marathons...she says same..if 20mins run is all you have time for then that's what you do...if it works for her it will work for us..🤩

Well done for getting it done! What are you exhibiting? x

I’d like a little bit more of ours to be fantastic but we can strategically put a few not so great ones up near the back, don’t tell anyone ...
Does your school have a gym? You can borrow the treadmill, run on that and shout at your ‘minions’ (sixth formers) to put the art work up! 😂
Seriously though - good luck with it all. Hope they all get good grades and you find some time for yourself. 😀