I don’t know if anyone else finds this but I’m finding this running lark a huge amount of trial and error.
So I found this excellent Core Strength exercise plan, only it’s not so excellent as it’s made my back worse 🙄 So I’ve gone from having hip bursitis to my old favourite of lower back pain and I can’t do anything that jars or irritates it. Needless to say, I’ve dumped the exercise plan. That meant not just Parkrun but any running is out of the window yet again 😩😩😩. At least the exercise bike and cross trainer are still my friends, I’ve just got to find the right strengthening exercises that aren’t out to finish me off!
I’ll get through it, I know I will and I’m so grateful to be able to write about it on here to let off steam. Thank you for listening to my rants 😁 Maybe I should just remember that my body is a lot older than what goes on in my head 🤣