So I completed my 20 minute run this morning at 4.30 am got a tattoo to celebrate and I’m still on a high. Don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight
Week 5 Run 3: So I completed my 20 minute run... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 Run 3

Nice one, I'm starting week 5 on Monday and not looking forward to the 20 minute run. Sounds like you’re doing great though!
I was absolutely terrified of the twenty minute run. Run 1 & 2 I sailed through. But last night my head was up my arse I couldn’t focus and I had mega mega doubts and for a second I even thought about stopping the program and giving up. My head was seriously messed up. I set my alarm for 4.30 am got dressed in my running gear and warmed up along Bognor Sea front. The first 5 minutes my legs were so stiff but I settled into a slow rhythm ten minutes in I was starting to enjoy the run but I still kept a slow pace then it was all over I did my 20 minute run. If you’ve been following the program and done all the runs and completed them then the 20 minute run is icing on the cake. Take your time, relax and focus. This is not a race this is you running at YOUR pace not your mates or your mum but YOUR pace if I can do it (59 year old with asthma) then so can you
Well done!
I'm assuming you removed your head from your arse before setting off!. Also, doing anything at that time of day ought to be outlawed. My spinal column is set in concrete until about midday!!
Great effort... You will cruise to glory now!
I like my bed but I needed to exercise the demons. Yes my head was on my shoulders

That'll be me on Monday w5r3. Trying not to think about the 20 minutes for now, just pleased I've managed r2 this morning. I go early too but not that early! 😂. Well done. You should be really proud of yourself.
Well done, I am almost at the same stage, but looking forwards to the 39 min later this morning. Not sure I will get a tattoo thought. Well Done again

I’ve got my 20min run tomorrow. Usually take the dogs out for an hour first so will hopefully do my run about 7:30/8 ish (not quite as early as you). Trying to stop the thought of 20mins getting to me. I was chuffed with my 2 x 8 mins last night, but 20 does seem like a big leap. I trust this programme implicitly and messages like your own help to balance out my inner demons - what this space and here’s to getting to week 6 for all of us 👟👟
I’m currently sat in my running gear talking myself in to doing my first 20 min run but I’m so worried that I won’t be able to get through it . My last w5 r2 was ok but I got a lot of pain in the arch of my foot so had to hobble towards the end so I think that is putting me off but weirdly had no pain since . I just need to get out there and try it I guess !
I felt exactly the same when I did my first 20 minute run a couple of days ago. Hands shaking, tummy flipping but I sailed through it 😁. Go for it, as long as you’ve followed the training programme this far you’ll not have a problem. I’m 61, not run since school so if I can do it so can anyone 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️👍👍👍
Thank you and well done for completing it . I’m on my way out to do it now 😱

I just completed my 20 minute run!!! I thought I was going to die, but I made it to the end. I started worrying about it last night, woke up worrying about it and was distracted most of the morning just thinking about it. It surely is a case of the mind causing doubts more than the body's unwillingness to do it. That said, I think I will repeat runs 2&3 next week as I am away at the end of the week. Does that make sense?
I too went to bed last night and the last thing to go through my head was this 20 min run, but I got up this morning and I only bloody well went and did it!! Running, of course was a very loose term indeed, it was definitely more of a slow trudge, but the point is mind over matter worked and I managed 20 mins without stopping - can’t tell you how chuffed I am!! Knees were a bit sore (which I was expecting) but just had a nice hot bath and feel ready to face the world now.
Week 6 will be a doddle, 😂
Congratulations and what an amazing feeling it is. I was on a high all day. Even now I still find it hard to believe I did it. I had a look at the distance I’d covered yesterday it was a shock seeing how far I had run 😱
I've just done 25mins run for first time...mmm tattoo....that would be a first for me too...too old at 57?
I won't ask where it is😂
In on my right forearm lol I have a big on on my right should had that done 3 weeks ago