I started the couch to 5k programme last August and run two or three times a week. I have run a lot of 5k's but on Saturday I finally completed it in 30 minutes. Not bad for a 58 year old.
5k in 30 minutes: I started the couch to 5k... - Couch to 5K
5k in 30 minutes

Very well done!!!

I’ll be 58 in October so there’s hope for me yet. I do about 6k with the 10 mins walking and 30 mins running so have a way to go before I can run the 5k in 30. Good on you.
That’s fabulous, what an achievement! Well done for maintaining your running after graduation any tips, as I hope to complete the programme this week?
I am what The Times calls a no-frills runner I.e. do it because it is a good thing to do so just go and do it. The main way I do it is to put it in my diary so I have no excuse - even weather. I do the occasional Park Run too although Saturday was the first time since December as my local run gets very muddy.
Just keep going!

Very well done, although I am a little bit jealous - my pb is 30:38 and its a flat course around a lake ! Do you think you will start to run longer distances ? I am happy running 3 * 5km per week but I did just look at Ju-ju's 10k plan.

Congratulations to you Gchurchlow, that time of 30 minutes is excellent. This morning I am about to run week 7 day 3, the last 25-minute run, it will be around a Scottish loch about 20 miles from where I live. I usually for the 3rd run of any of the C25K runs I do are somewhere away from where I live, change of scenery.
Lovely idea. I tend to run the same routes and avoid hills. However, I am running the Surrey Hills 5k in September for Riding for the Disabled so I do need to find some hills to run up pretty soon!
update, I completed that run of week 7/3 this morning around that loch I mentioned, the run went OK, the only problem was that there was a constant drizzle which misted up my glasses, otherwise OK, on to week 8 the 28 minute runs on Wednesday.

Well done. This is my target too.
Good luck with the hill running, it really is an extra challenge. Get some practice starting soon.
Small tip based on only one hilly run - you may find you need your laces to be tighter to keep your foot back for the downhill sections.
Thank you for the advice. I must go and find a hill....

That is seriously impressive! Took me 42 minutes this morning...😂!

Well done.
That first sub 30 minute 5k is another milestone.
So what is the next target?
28? Might be a bit ambitious.

Yay! Glad to hear it does happen eventually! There’s hope for me! Congratulations!

Well Done. A target for every graduate I think.