New starter : I’m Ian , I’m 49 I’m 16 stone just... - Couch to 5K

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Iky222 profile image
98 Replies

I’m Ian , I’m 49 I’m 16 stone just done step 1 week 1 . I’m asthmatic so it was a struggle but managed it I’m determined to complete this course to see if I can push myself all the way

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Iky222 profile image
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98 Replies
Gillma profile image

You will - you’ll do it, one step at a time. It’s truly a remarkable course - just trust the process.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Gillma


Michele2017 profile image

Well done keep going!

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Michele2017


Michele2017 profile image
Michele2017Graduate in reply to Iky222

Seriously its so life changing you will be running for 30 minutes before you know it. just take it very very slow.. have lots of rest days and get gait analysis and good shoes!

Well done - you won't believe what you will be able to do in a month!

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to


Great start Ian. Taking the first step is really hard, but you’ve done it. Keep going and take it nice and slow to begin with.

Iky222 profile image

Cheers yeh determined to do it

ccarter100 profile image

I'm just on week 2, but the support and encouragement of this community is amazing! The program really works - I couldn't jog across the driveway, and now I'm looking forward to lacing up for each run (well, more like a slow shuffle LOL). You are going to rock it!

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to ccarter100

Cheers and good luck too

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to ccarter100

Cheers and good luck too

staceycorinne profile image

Hi Ian,

I’m asthmatic too. I was worried about how I would go.

I’ve actually seen my breathing improve a lot. At the start I use to take it all the time (a puff nearly every walk) but now I can run the 25 mins without it. Keep up the good work!

Iky222 profile image


-Totoro- profile image

Good one Ian!

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to -Totoro-


Goforitmama profile image

Great to have you along on our journey. Good luck, keep us posted on how you are going.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Goforitmama


Irish-John profile image

Two forms of asthma when I started - now I can't remember when I was used an inhaler. I do sound like a knackered steam train running, granted - but I get around all the same :)

Wishing you many happy miles in your future ☺

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Irish-John


LittleMaz profile image

I'm just about to start week 3 after recovering from surgery. I'm 47 and not ran since school. I'm loving it. I've surprised myself, though it's still early days. Keep going. You'll enjoy it and will feel the health benefits before you know it. Just take it slow :-)

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to LittleMaz


Tasha99 profile image

Well done for starting! I had mild asthma at the beginning but it’s gone now. Stick to this forum 👍🏽

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Tasha99


Oldfloss profile image

Check this out please...

and Welcome:)

Firstly, make sure you have got the all-clear from your GP or asthma nurse, to run and make sure you are vigilant with your asthma meds...especially whilst the air is so thick with pollen... there are loads of folk with asthma, on here, completing the plan.

Take it slow and take it steady and do not push yourself at ll..not at this point.

Listen to your body, take it gently and keep posting please.

We all run together here:)

Chrisj31 profile image
Chrisj31Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Nice advice (as ever) from Oldfloss :D

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Chrisj31

Oldfloss it’s my nurse that’s persuaded me to try something like this .

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Iky222

Brilliant.. absolutely brilliant... :) Well done.. we just have to watch out for you all :)

JoOnTheRun profile image

You’ve made the biggest leap already - congratulations! Keep going and you won’t regret it 💪🏼

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to JoOnTheRun


Morning Ian .Yes you will do it. Everyone one of us have all been here at the the beginning and all have succeeded, got further than any of us imagined. Some further than others but the best bit of all of this is we are all out there doing something that gives us a great feeling of achievement.

So welcome Ian and congrats on your achievement so far 👏👏🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️😀😀

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to


spscollins profile image

Well done. Just take it slowly. You will find it gets easier over time

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to spscollins


Chrisj31 profile image

Welcome! I wish you all the best with your runs.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Chrisj31


Deant profile image

I completed W1R1 yesterday and struggled but I’m determined to keep going. Good luck and keep us updated.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Deant


oldwheezer69 profile image

Have a look at my first ever post asking for advice about running with asthma, and all the positive replies .. the first week almost killed me but fast forward to week 7 and I'm running (well, jogging slowly) for 25 minutes with no inhaler 😁😁😁 Thinking I might need to change my user name haha! I'm 48 and had never run before because I thought I couldn't... You can definitely do this, just go really slowly while your lungs get used to this (my husband walks alongside as I run, I'm slow but definitely getting there). Good luck!

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to oldwheezer69


4945 profile image

Well done step at a time, it really does work, just take it at your own pace, you have done the worst bit.....getting started.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to 4945


IDixT profile image

Yay...that first run is in many ways the hardest...well done! I am 56 and have just completed week 6. Trust the program really works. Go slow and get your breathing steady...speed can come later once you have built your stamina. I have only had one miserable run which was when my husband came too ( to be supportive) and I ended up running faster than was right for me. I finished but breathing all over the place and no sense of well-being. Let your breath be your guide.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to IDixT


Rosebud72 profile image

Well done I'm asthmatic too. Take it before you start.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Rosebud72


Lori199 profile image

Hi Ian after a few weeks you won’t feel the asthma so much 😉

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Lori199


Vintagebabe profile image

Just be kind to yourself Ian xxx

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Vintagebabe


GoGo_JoJo profile image

A few more weeks and you won't need to "push" yourself. You'll be so hooked you'll be holding yourself back to ensure you get those rest days 👍😉😁

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to GoGo_JoJo


Jay66UK profile image

Welcome! I hope you enjoy the running as much as I am now.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Jay66UK


Welcome & well done. You’ve got the worst bit over now - the first run. Everyone else is right - you won’t believe what your body is capable of. I’m on W7 & would never have believed i’d be able to run for as long as i have. Stay on this forum the guys on here are great - you will get so much support & information. Good luck - keep on running & keep us posted!

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to


Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Iky222


Razouski profile image

Welcome and well done for completing the first run of the programme. It’s great that you took this first step, and probably the most difficult. Stick with the programme and take it nice and slow, and as Oldfloss says, check it out with your asthma nurse.

When I started the programme I took my inhaler with me to the gym and on every run. Now I gave no idea where my inhaler is... 👍🏽

Fabulous450 profile image

Fantastic Ian! We’re in this together, you’re not alone. The support from everyone is absolutely amazing! Well done! ❤️

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Fabulous450


68judith profile image

Hi Ian

Well done. I am now on w9r2 and honestly found the early runs the hardest. I am 53 and have never run in my life before. I can't believe how quickly your body adapts and improves. You will be great! Well done!

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to 68judith


Mrd2001 profile image

Hi Ian, well done for making the start that's often the hardest part. I'm 4 weeks in to the plan and can't believe the changes. No way would I have thougt I could run for 5 mins without stopping....but I did...twice!!.

Keep going, use the site for advice and enjoy the changes you will see.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Mrd2001


Proud1 profile image

I’m asthmatic so always have my inhaler at hand, I’m on week 9 now and am amazed at how much my breathing has improved....I thought I was going to collapse at week 1 but now I’m running 30mins and only need it before I set off. Enjoy your training and go smash it x

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Proud1


BlondeAmbition72 profile image

Well done! 👍

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to BlondeAmbition72


Belushi profile image

Good stuff Ian, I am very similar to you at 50 and well overweight, in week 4, best advice is go slow and do not worry about speed. BTW lost about 8lbs without a diet so far. Trust the program and do not over do it.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Belushi


Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Iky222


JoanneJoanne1000 profile image

exciting. looking forward to hearing more from you

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to JoanneJoanne1000


KateK profile image

Well done for starting. When I first started c25k the best thing I did was keep a diary of my run days. Just made basic notes of how I felt physically and mentally after the run/plod. In a month's time you'll be amazed at the difference of how you feel.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to KateK


Bev_Beeti profile image

Good on you. I’m asthmatic and like others have said my breathing has improved, despite running with a cold over week 4. You’ll soon be enjoying it

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Bev_Beeti


ruralfrance profile image

Well done for getting started, Ian, and welcome to the forum. There's lots of good advice on here, especially from Iannodatruffe and Oldfloss, they're my favourites. Take it slowly, take your rest days and don't worry if you sometimes have to repeat stuff, we all do. You've got the rest of your life ahead of you!!! Happy running and keep posting.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to ruralfrance


Neezy665 profile image

Hi Ian I’m 53 and started last year and am also asthmatic I have found that it has helped my lungs so much I always make sure that I use my brown inhaler before I go and I have been fine every time . Good luck you will be surprised what your body can do when you set your mind to it 🙂

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Neezy665


Good for Ian keep up the good work it will be worth it

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to


ruckinfight profile image

Well done Ian the first week is always the hardest. I always thought I wouldn’t be able to do it but I did and feel great because-of it.You will get some great support of this site. Everyone on here are brilliant I only found this site couple of weeks ago I wish I found it earlier. 😊😊😊😊

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to ruckinfight


ju-ju- profile image

You can do it.... I’m also asthmatic and careful to manage my meds and take my blue inhaler with me. May be worth booking up a check up with your asthma nurse and tell them you are doing the programme? Hang in there!

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to ju-ju-


Mandast profile image

Well done! You've already made the first step. Just keep going and you'll get there. If you struggle just repeat the previous weeks training. I had to do week 3 a couple of times before I could continue. I'm back at week 1 as I was ill and couldn't complete the sessions. You can do it!!!

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Mandast

Cheers and keep going

EmmaRunning profile image

Good on you Ian. Good luck with it all.

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to EmmaRunning


BLEWI profile image

As everyone else has said just trust the process and celebrate the small steps. It took me 6 months to get to 5k but today I ran my first 10K... it’s amazing what’s possible!

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to BLEWI


EmmaRae1982 profile image

Well done. The hardest part is starting, you'll be amazed at how quick your stamina changes.

Christianne57 profile image

Off to a good start Ian with your positive mental attitude!

Wishing you happy running! X

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Christianne57


Claireednet profile image

Hi Ian and well done! Can’t wait hear how you get on x

Iky222 profile image
Iky222 in reply to Claireednet

Cheers Claire will keep you informed so far so good lol 😆

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