So I decide to run a little later than normal, it's ok but the sun was quite low making it difficult to see.... More on that in a minute.... So Sarah announces I'm 5 minutes in, it's going ok, I mean, I think I am sounding like a pig playing a kazoo but it's probably not that bad.... In any case I wear noise cancelling ear buds so it's someone else's problem.
As I'm running I get a faint notion I have an itch... In a rather personal place....I try to run a little faster... No good....I add a little bounce into my step.... Still no go....I try to think of other things but it's getting worse. Finally I try a sort of mincing trot, all I've done now is made it worse. I figure the only thing for it is to have a wee scratch... Not so easy on a busy canal path by the Falkirk wheel.
By now I'm sure I'm nearly half way but the app sometimes crashes on me so I think I'll leave it a bit.... My plan was to turn at the halfway point and grab a crafty scratch.... Rubbing the outside of my gear hasn't helped so it's going to have to be a proper job.... I'm getting more frustrated by the lack of Sarah announcing halfway so I give in. I check ahead, the sun's in my eyes but I can't see anyone, so down the shorts I go... By now I'm a tad frustrated, it's been a tough day at work and here I am in public hand down my shorts yelling 'come on Sarah you b*tch' when I round a gentle curve and run, almost literally, into a genteel aged hiking group, who like a crafty spitfire squadron came out of the sun's glare.... Not my finest hour.... But didn't matter because I still completed another 25 minutes!