Hi, I am quite a bit over weight and been going to the gym to get fitter. I started this program W1R1 on the treadmill it went better than I expected. So when I tried to do W1R2 I thought it was a lovely day so i would run outside and all again seemed to go well until that night I got pains in my left knee and I haven't been able to run / excerise since. Docs put me on pain killers.. three weeks later I still can't. I don't know if when I am ready to try again do I stick with the treadmill or do the road / park again?
Do I go back to the treadmill, try the road ag... - Couch to 5K
Do I go back to the treadmill, try the road again and or start the whole thing all over again??
My physio friend said treadmills are worse on your knees than running outside 🤔
I hear road running is harder maybe your shoes are not supportive enough for it. Try going to a running shop to be gaited and get some shoes that are for your style of running. I did and my knees and feet are much better for it.
Hi Frencci. Sorry you got injured so soon into the program. I suppose you’ll test your knee out on the low impact gym equipment first before attempting a run.
Then I would say that treadmills are more cushioning than pavements.
Have you been able to see a physio? Would be best to get a proper medical opinion if you can.
Hope you get better soon! 🤕
Hi, no to physio not been offered anything unless it is weeks away and my knee is getting better on the doctors medication.
Maybe you went too quickly... and remember, outside running is very different to the treadmill...check this post out too..lots of great advice...have you the correct shoes?
We do expect aches and pains when we begin this, take it steadily, try to land lightly and choose a route , maybe a park or field track where the surface is slightly more forgiving
Try these exercises too
Hi. i have the proper trainers, and have supportive innersoles too to help with running. I will have a go at the excercises.. try and strengthen up and hope to try again soon. Do I keep on where I was or start all over again?
thank you everyone