Im still here, but its taken me 9 days to complete week 7 mainly due to work hassle. Instead of the hills on the farm I have been down in the town running the flatlands by the public too. I have managed to hide on quiet remote roads around the farm for the past 6 weeks due to lack of confidence. It may sound silly to most but I have found it very difficult to start running in front of people. I wish I could get over that. It really was quite funny, I started to walk for the warm up and when I was due to start running I saw a couple walking and froze. I waited until they passed then got started. I managed to dodge into the trees and behind walls. I must have looked very suspicious. I am sure I use more energy avoiding humans than doing the running. I have thoroughly enjoyed changing the scenery though and avoiding the hills! I will keep looking for new places to run for week 8
Change of scenery for Wk 7 R2&3: Im still here... - Couch to 5K
Change of scenery for Wk 7 R2&3

Wow looks beautiful! Very well done for completing your MI5 training run! 😎
lol it must look like that! I love it down by the river so much better than the hills around the farm

I'm a hider so I totally understand 😋 well done getting back on it 👍
I know exactly how you feel about avoiding people. I saw dog walkers ahead of me the other day: took a detour to avoid having to run past them (uphill too!)and I ended up running through a field full of rabbit holes! Not a great move

Well done secret squirrel! Good to have you back! Looks like a great spot!
Go young lady
#you can do it

Wooohooo! You have come so far in such a short time. 😃
I used to run on paths beside hedges so I was mostly invisible, but eventually got used to being visible and forgot about it. There are so many runners out and about that I’m sure most people don’t notice at all. Not far to that podium now! 😄

Ha ha 😂 I used to do ninja running too in the beginning. I used lonely trails only used by the hardiest of dog walkers or went out in all black at the start of an evening (more worried of being judged on my running than run over 😂). What makes us do it? I also used to feel the need to speed up or not stop to walk in front of other runners so they didn't think I was rubbish!
It'll pass - you'll buy your first bright piece of running kit, jog confidently past some one else or simply just reach that point where you love it so much it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!
Only 6 more runs to go and you'll be a graduate!
By the way that path looks lovely - happy running in Wk8 😊
Now that will be a picture I take, me in fluorescent fashion running past a crowd lol
You mark my words - it'll happen before you know it 😁

Looks lovely and flat! I like flat! I'm a hider too . We tend to run about 8pm but we've noticed more people out now later in the evening when it's cooler. A few fast runners pass us and have been really friendly. I think it helps there are two of us!!
Actually you are quite right, some of my friends who initially found it funny that me of all people were starting to run asked me last week if I would get them started and we could run together. After I graduate I will take them up on that and maybe I won't feel so embarrassed

Yes, you will- I found that. It’s just letting it become your new normal. Good luck with W8. I have embarked on (2nd time round) W3. Yesterday was definitely the longest three minutes in the world. 😂 I am hoping tomorrow that it will feel shorter! 😄

Looks lovely there. 2 weeks to go😁😁

Well done! Only 2 weeks left!
The fact that you’ve been running in town shows that you are getting that confidence, slowly but surely 👍🏽
Pleased you have got out again, after work hassle.
Lovely spot and a short change from your hills.
Maybe it’s just because you are accustomed to running in your beautiful and remote Northumberland. Pharmacist,scientist, teacher,farmer,mother and grandmother and now runner and more.🌟
Go you.It can only be out of your comfort zone and away from your beautiful home and hills.🤔🌟👏👏
Def does not sound funny to me. Totally know where u are coming from. After having a tough week at work with nasty bitchy small- minded people I think I'd much rather work with animals! Well done - you're whizzing through this programme- I'm struggling with W6 ATM. You will get more used to running outside. If it makes you uncomfortable though don't do it. You don't have to answer to anyone. At least you are running outside - I'm still on the treadmill!

I also prefer off the beaten track for my running forays but I have experienced the odd ‘concerned’ look as other members of the public see a black person ‘running’ in their direction. If only I had the energy to do what I think they think I may be thinking of doing. I usually disarm them with a smile and hello 😊
good for you, I think I get the concerned look because they think this overweight runner just might bowl them over lol

Yay! I’m only one run ahead of you. We might cross the line at the same time at this rate.
we might ..well done you, so are you off the IC now

Good to hear your news! Glad you’re managing to run despite the madness of work. Nearly half term! All the best for week 8, wonder where you’ll be! 👍👍👍
Well done. You're so close to finishing the program now. I run a path that has loads of cyclists on it and I'm ok with that as they are past me so quickly but freak out a bit on the occasions I see other runners as I always worry they're judging me only just starting to believe I can actually call myself a runner
I keep thinking I'm a fraud but I'm not I am running! I suppose some of the people pass will feel the same way we do

Fantastic!! You're in sight of that podium and we're gonna scream your socks off when you get there.
And then buy u some fluorescent ones that glow in the dark.
You go hon!!

Looks so beautiful . Well done for completing wk7. You know I’m a closet runner too but trying to pluck up courage to break out! Maybe tomo 🤞🏻x

Hello again, I had wondered where you were. Very good to hear from you again. Well done completing week 7. 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️I found that teaching could be so exhausting, so to me you are doing brilliantly to be combining the two. I ventured onto a hill last week for one run. I always knew that your hills were so much harder than the flat ground. All the best for your week 8 runs wherever you choose to take them.

Early on - week 3 I think - I was walking/running along surreptitiously after dark when a mass of runners poured out of a lane to my left, and went streaming along the route I was taking. They must have been a local running club doing some kind of race or time trial. Even though I was only running for 3 minutes there was no way I could have gone any faster, and they were just zooming past. I felt very self conscious at first, but then somehow following the plan gave me the confidence to ignore them, not to mind that I was going so slowly, and to walk when Laura said to walk. After that I had a lot more confidence just to do my thing, trust Laura, and not worry what anyone else was thinking. I hope you build up that confidence too- it is wonderful that you have inspired your friends to give running a go!
I don't usually bother, but the other day a group of teens were trailing along and I couldn't see a way between them and parked cars without stopping or getting some comment or other, so I slipped along a side lane and down a parallel street.

I totally get it. A large part of the reason that I started going out to run as soon as it’s light was so that I would have the towpath to myself. I do totally love it though.

Wow looks a lovely place to run well done it's when I see other runners that are alot quicker then me 😒 shows me up 👊x

Well done you, young lady. Not long to go. Good

I was the same. Particularly the first couple of weeks. I tend to go out early which used to mean no one was about but now that it’s light out I am seeing more people. But at the end of the day, who cares. I saw someone the other day out running which was more of a fast walk then run but I still thought get on you for getting out and doing it. I think we walk past so many people in a day and don’t notice them that we are probably hidden enough running

After initial intense shyness and self conciousness, I am now totally shameless about running in public in a shocking pink top, blue swirly running tights finished off with lime green trail shoes!
I may get arrested by the fashion police some day but enjoying it too much to care. 😂
I avoid people too! I changed my route this week and has definitely helped. Different things to look at and took the focus off the seconds ticking by 😀