When will my legs take me further?: So...this... - Couch to 5K

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When will my legs take me further?

Mummycav profile image
11 Replies

So...this morning, after meeting a friend for coffee & a catch up, I met my other friend who is starting out (again) on the C25k programme....she will admit, she is overweight & even the rain would put her off....but NOT when she’s on my watch! Oh no...I’m texting her asking if she’s free for a run....coz I am! So, this morning, we did W1R3 again...& she was ok, she survived....phew, I remembered when I was puffing & panting on this run, now, here I am, running, talking, breathing, smiling & SURVIVING this once, unbelievably long run, 60 seconds had NEVER felt so long!! Jeez....I’m even looking like a flippin personal trainer here!?! She did all of it and, as she says, it’s because she’s running with someone else, someone who’s not afraid to run at her pace...she follows my steps because I know she would be too tired at her own pace, so I slow it down for her....I’m so proud she’s trying so hard & I am part of that challenge....fast forward to this evening......teas made, kids bathed/showered....hubby out pricing a job...I am positively itching to get out & do my own run....so Daddycav arrives home &, his tea is dished out, then my trainers are laced...I’m off......sun still shining, alls good in the world, I’ve got baths/showers/sandwiches to make/stories to read, kisses& goodnight cuddles to do...but I just have to have this time....it’s not an escape from it all, because I absolutely LOVE being at home...I am my kids world & they are mine...but I just like where running takes me....but, I only had time to cross the road to the park tonight, so it was a quick speed podcast for me...so I did it, but I wanted to run further, so I ran the 5 min cool down....that took me to 4.4kms....but my lungs were ok, I was ok...when will it be my legs turn to be ok? When will my legs be able to take me further? Does this come with time? I want to run further but my legs are calling it a draw at around 4-5k....is it in my head?

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Mummycav profile image
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11 Replies
Decker profile image

It will come if you are able to make the time for it MC. If you are seriously looking to move to 10, some kind of program could make the difference. The app I used was this one: 10K Trainer by C25K® by Zen Labs:


If you are doing close to 5 now, you can probably start just below the midway point of the program and then just follow it from there or use ju jus program. -lots of people having success with it. Its hard to motivate yourself without some structure. At least it was for me.

Tbae profile image

I think they are taking you further.🤔

You are helping your friend and that is an additional session to your own.🤔

It is all going in the bank and providing your immediate recovery and repair day recovery is good , you can increase your distance or pace in your own comfortable way.

You are building on both sessions.


Not to mention all your other responsibilities.🌟👏👏

IannodaTruffe profile image

To run further run further.

Rere2016 profile image

I’m sure there was a stepping stones podcast to follow once the 5k was complete?

Or see if any of your local running clubs are starting a 5k plus coaching session in the next few weeks that’s compatible with your home life x

Richard7 profile image

I think like IannodaTruffe says to run further, run further. Jan 1st was for example my first 5k. Not because I was ready for it but because I challenged myself to it. But build it up gradually. Don't know how but I did Ju-Jus 10k plan recently and have run a couple of other 10s since. Time is a killer though and it's tough finding the time for the longer runs. I try to schedule my longer runs and plan the week ahead but it's not easy sometimes.

I think it's great that you are supporting someone else through the programme. Well done Mummycav

Gillma profile image

I have been having similar conversations with myself Mummycav . (Love the description of your 'other' duties, btw.) For me there is something comfy about 4-5k (can't believe I just wrote 'comfy' about 4-5k) - it's to do with the C25K 'ambition' being built-in over a long period and also time constraints (mostly self imposed, in my case). I have made a bit of a breakthrough due to being on holiday recently and having that tempting flat beach run and few obligations.

First of all, I realised I had to ramp up to 3 times a week (colds and cold and laziness crept in during the winter) and then it was about finding the time during each run.

Right now I'm sort of doing ju-ju's '10k plan' but slower. So I'm creeping up and have this week attained Run 1: 2.6k (23mins); Day off; Run 2: 3.6k (34m - hard work, included some walking). I then had a two-day rest (partly having a long ride home from Wales), and just now: Run 3: 6k (62mins - yes, I know, but lots of hills and wind as back on South Downs, and I didn't walk at all although some sheep were moving a lot faster than me). With the 10 percent theory I could add on 1.2k next week but I'll probably halve that. Call me Mrs 5%!

Creeping-up on distance is definitely my snaily-y way (thanks OldFloss). I am not particularly ambitious for 10k but who knows.I think I probably need to do intervals to get the speed up.

Oh, one other strange tip that works for me: when I'm trying to do a distance that stretches me (ie, the third run of the week) it helps me to make it quite boring. So for my 6k I ran some of the time around three football pitches, terraced one above the other, listening to the radio and did look at my Strava quite often to make sure I was being realistic about speed. If I was just going for a sub-4k trot to look at the scenery and admire the lambs, I'd have done something more interesting.

Hope you soon find a strategy that works for you.

Rignold profile image

In your post you say you did the speed podcast first. Your legs won't give you extra distance on days they give you extra speed. Its one or the other. In general if it is distance you crave then drop the speed work for a while.

If there is a specific goal you want to achieve, you have to stop exercising and start training.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi MummyCav, your legs are doing just fine.😊

Upping your distance means having plenty of time to spend out on your run. It means being able to run slowly with a specific distance in mind, possibly a there and back route ( turning at the half-way point). Ju ju's plan with the three different runs will work for you. It might be better to wait until September though, when your children are all back settled In their new year groups, your friend has graduated ( with your support and encouragement, hopefully) and your run time become's your own. The weather will be perfect then too.

Enjoy your runs, without any pressure, have your family holiday and the school holidays, then maybe do your own playlist of songs you love and start 10 is the Magic Number, maybe Sadie-runs will be ready too.

I found doing 5k easier, when I ran for 2.5k (get Mapmyrun lady to tell you every 0.5k) then turned and ran back. The return run was a bit easier....😊xxx

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Magic number and comprehensive magic advice.💫🏃‍♀️💫👏👏

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thank you so much Jan, that sounds like a perfect plan to me...I still sometimes feel like I’m drifting along since graduation with no particular plan in mind & no structure...I do enjoy my runs though & I’m enjoying helping my friend too but don’t think I’m improving very much...I’m sure time will help...& yes, Sept when everyone’s back in a routine x

Fishypieface profile image

I think it could be in your head...... only because it was the same in my head. I couldn't carry on a step further after 30 mins.... until I did. But I had to fight it and kick 30 mins up the ar$e a few times cos me gremlins were having a field day! :) You might need to get them back in their box to go further (if they are hanging out). PMA is the key to everything! xx

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