Running with Kevin : My beautiful, funny, kind... - Couch to 5K

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Running with Kevin 

Fishypieface profile image
43 Replies

My beautiful, funny, kind, shy, part child / woman, 14 year old daughter has been going with me to the gym. She’s been nagging me for months to sign up and because I can’t run at the mo, it’s good for us both. I love watching her doing her thing and trying her best.… We aren’t naturals at all this exercise malarky.

She’s also a part time Kevin - a la Harry Enfield. Try to imagine that image on a rowing machine, killing time (at her dastardly mother’s suggestion) until I’ve dared to finished my 'workout', instead of leaving when she decides she’s had enough.… Having already moped about in the corner for 10 mins, staring at me sulkily. I am, of course, a complete and utter embarrassment, but that’s a given which I totally accept without insult or injury.

So last week she muttered moodily, as I rudely interrupted her life on the Playstation to bring her food - ‘Can I do that Couch to 5k thing you do?’ Blimey. Didn’t see that coming. ‘What, actually out with me in public?’ *eye roll* ‘Yes.’ ……’Well, I only do early’. *eye roll and lip flinch* ‘Fine.’ Saturday it is then. Lucky me. I can test out my dodgy ar$e cheek and see if it’s got any better. 4 weeks not running and it feels like I could now give it a go.

As the day approaches I imagine us out together, laughing and bonding; me encouraging and supporting her first steps into running. I can literally feel the wild flowers growing in the field we will run through together…

And so off we go, Laura at the ready. Turns out a Kevin’s brisk walk is more a kin to something from The Walking Dead than anything Laura might approve of, and of course, a constant 6 steps behind me. In the gorgeous morning sunshine, we reached the local rec, when a hand came out and flapped me off in a different direction ‘I’m not doing this with you’ scowl firmly in place, earphones in, suddenly grinding to a halt ‘I hate this music!!”. Fortunately, I knew all of this was coming. ’Don’t stop now darling…. just poke up with it for today’ I shout, going my separate way around the 2 fields.

I’ve been coming here in the early mornings since September and it’s always been so lovely and peaceful. Except now 2 p*ssheads had taken up residence in the kiddie play park and looked like they'd been there all night, still swigging beer, a dead barbecue strewn across the grass. By the time I jogged passed they were trying to strangle each other. Quick sprint over to daughter ‘Don’t go over there!!! And it’s a brisk walk, lovely… good luck!’. This brings on an eye roll, lip flinch and flick of the V, quickly followed by standard disclaimer for everything ‘I’m only joking!’— I am a victim of my own creation.

So I set off on my own, soaking up the stillness and the sunshine, briefly as happy as Larry to be back out again running. Unfortunately, though I had to stop at 2.5k as my hip had turned to concrete. Although I was pleased to feel that my lungs could have still got me to 5k, even if my legs couldn’t. We didn’t get to run through flowers but I did get a high 5 at the end :) She’s a very good girl really, just sensitive and so affected by the struggles of adolescence.

Conversation on our ‘brisk’ walk home: ‘So I’ll be able to run for 30 mins at the end?’ Yes. ‘Can YOU do that?’ I can run for over an hour when I’m not injured. ‘What without stopping??’ Yes. *first ever fleeting look of respect* ‘Wow…. So, could I too then?’ Yes, eventually, and you’ll do a better job of it than me, being younger, lighter, stronger, healthier. ‘Well, yeah, that goes without saying. By the way, when you run you kick your legs out.’

So, as I run like my own mother, it’s probably a good job I’m back on the IC for now. Very frustrating though, I really crave a good long run. That small taster has only fuelled the longing….. Back to the gym for a while longer then I guess, which is fine, but...... it’s just not running.

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Fishypieface profile image
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43 Replies
Bluebirdrunner profile image

Its lovely when a plan comes together eh FPF? ;)

Sorry to hear you are not fully mended, but brilliant work helping your wonderful daughter with her first run of the program.. I know you will be advising her to trust the program and go nice and steady...nine weeks! Good

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks, I think I'll need it, 9 weeks indeed! She does the other 2 runs in the gym so I don't get involved then.... good job too I think! :) x

Bazza1234 profile image

Hmm - I had two sons (the oldest is almost 50 now). I DON'T know what I would have done if I had had girls. I don't think I would have coped!! :)

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Bazza1234

My dad's answer to having 2 girls was to play cricket Sat & Sun every weekend during the season..... and we got dragged along to make the teas!! :)

SaskAlliecat profile image

Glad to hear you got out for a run,even if you had to stop earlier than planned. Great job on getting kiddo out, starting the program. I know you’ll be a great mentor for her!

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to SaskAlliecat

I think I should have stopped at 1k really but I just didn't want to. A bit miffed ..... I need patience on the IC.... but I think even it's run off! :)

Sarakc profile image

That made me laugh so much!!

My 14 year old bless him has Aspergers and does absolutely no exercise apart from reluctantly walking to school and even then tries to get me to pick him up half way! He’s a big lad too, towering above me at 6 feet 3 ish!!

According to him all exercise should be banned!!

My other son is 22, living away from home started the programme (voluntarily!!) Far enough away not to have to run with me!!! I think he might have abandoned it now though!

My daughter is 24 and also left home!! (She is completely different to her brothers! ) although she would have been the most Kevin like in her teens!!!)

She always wants to come out running with me when she’s home but she’s not an early bird!! I do quite often get the eye roll and Mum, you’re talking about running again!!! (Before I’d even heard of c25k she dragged me round a Parkrun as she didn’t want to do it on her own) She sprinted off towards the finish line, ponytail swishing leaving me red faced and puffing and panting!!! 😂

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Sarakc

Good to know we are not alone in this! 14 and 6'3"... wow, he'd make a brilliant basketball player!

I was amazed she came out early though, don't think she wants to be seen by her school mates later on AND especially with me!! Would just about finish her off!! :)

Sarakc profile image
SarakcGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

At 5 feet 9 I am the smallest in family!! We could have our own basketball team!!...... until Ben bans it along with all other sports!! 😂

Oldfloss profile image

Go you...out there and doing it.... with offspring too :) On the IC and weathering the storms of Youth....:)

I love your running through a field of wildflower image....what is the quote..?

" Sometimes we need fantasy in order to survive reality."

You will be back to it soon... well done:) x

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I love your quote - so true!!! When the going gets tough, I often image George Clooney is waiting for me around the next corner! :) :) :)

Great post FPF. My youngest is 17 and (praise be to Murgatroyd) emerging from the grim adolescent years. Just hang on in there :) Marvelous that she came running 'with' you. If you give her the gift of a running habit, she will benefit for life.

Sorry to hear your hip is still giving you gyp, have you had a professional opinion/advice?

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to

17???!!!! Don't know if I can hang on that long!!! :) I've read up on piriformis and it can take m-o-n-t-h-s to go. My osteopath thinks that's what it is, I see her every 2 months or so. It's currently being stretched within an inch of its life! :)

Jell6 profile image

Great post, I enjoyed reading it, sorry your still not back to form though. 😶

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Jell6

Thank you :) it really is a right pain in the ar$e!!! ..... I wish that was actually funny :)

made me laugh!

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to

We need every laugh we can get on this journey! :)

Irishprincess profile image

This made me laugh. Great post and I can just imagine the two of you 😂

That Piriformis thing is a pain. I've had it briefly. You need to find out what is causing it, in my case it was a lopsided pelvis and weak glutes but orthotics and various exercises and stretching have eased it. If you don't get to the cause then it'll always come back.

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Oh crikey. I was hoping enough rest, stretching and strengthening at the gym and eventually it would ease off. I never had it until I started 10ks, 5ks were fine. Guess I should think about seeing someone then....... *eye roll and lip finch* :) :) :)

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

Yes, mine started soon after I increased distance too. Any imbalances rise to the surface pretty quickly once we start doing longer runs.

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Oh Gawd..... last thing I want is anyone tampering with my ar$e cheek....or having to stand about in my knickers. I can just about get out on the street in my running gear!! :) That's why I was hoping it would clear up on its own.... *double eye roll*

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

Haha 😂 they've seen it all before 😂

Pink-Floyd profile image

My 17 year old daughter has also just started the programme on our treadmill. Can’t imagine her ever braving the great outdoors in case she is seen. Why are those with a perfect young body always more self conscious than those like me? One of the good things about getting older I guess. I did try the treadmill when we had the ice and snow, but the tedium was too much for me. Hope both our daughters stick to the programme 😀

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Pink-Floyd

Yes, let's hope they do! I know, I think it's the intensity of adolescence makes them so self conscious, I remember barely being able to get out the front door some days.

The tedium is definitely eased by being outdoors, I went to the gym this morning and all the treadmills were full, I can't understand it myself. Although I do have a treadmill for fast walking.... years ago, but it's so cheap and nasty, I think it would fall apart if I started running on it :)

JennyH10 profile image

I love this post! I have a 14 year old daughter too and I can relate! My daughter is quite sporty and does lots of netball and rowing and lots of circuit training, she won’t run with me because I’m too slow for her 😂

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to JennyH10

My daughter isn't very sporty... the confidence, coordination just wasn't there as much as others and then, if you need to improve, you don't tend to get picked etc. etc. and eventually she felt she was good enough :(

So I'm so pleased that she wants to do all this, I'll happily poke up with the attitude... To be fair, she is ok most of the time ... I work in a secondary school so I'm well used to witnessing full on meltdowns!!

Oh God that made me laugh so much. I too have a teenage daughter (17). She's a bit better now with the embarrassment thing & the eye rolling but I can totally relate.

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to

Glad I'm not alone!! :)

Jay66UK profile image

Thanks for brightening my afternoon. My youngest is now 19. Ah, the memories. Ah, the continued but different challenges!

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

You're very welcome! :) Yes, one thing just gets replaced with an another doesn't it! That's why there will always be a place in my life for gin!! :)

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

Next post: Running for Gin 🤣

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

.... or possibly even running with Gin! Depends how bad it all gets!! :)

mrrun profile image

Haha, the joys of taming of a teenager. My son, also 14, has been swimming since he was very little and is a tall, strong, very fit swimmer now. I oncd foolishly got him to run with me where he overlapped me like you'd overlap a confused old hound and clearly didn't want to be associated with a middle aged train crash in colourful basketball gear, looking odd by most society standards (hey, at least I'm also tall and slim, at least that)! One day they will all look back at how deviously cool their parent were. ;)

Sorry to hear you're still not match fit. Maybe, just maybe, you should go and check it out?

All the best!

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to mrrun

Wait until they are parents, then we can just sit back and laugh heartily!! Yes, I am beginning to think maybe I should get it checked out *double sigh, whilst dusting off the chequebook* :)

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

I paid my physio with plastic, she drives a lovely car (l wonder why) but she fixed my parts like a proper wizard. For over a year (touch wood) l haven't had any issues and I'm running fair distances 4 times per week. Give it a go, nothing worse than nursing a stubborn injury!

Margoblue profile image

The joys of running with Children... love the idea not so sure about the reality . I just think I might be a little too sloooow for my son ( daughter defo wouldn’t do it with me!!) son and hubby both really fast strong runners . I am going to run a park run with son ( when he returns from holiday!) but in the meantime I too am considered the old slow dog being taken for a walk,,,

Fishypieface profile image

Unfortunately I am the old slow dog at the mo, I literally *grind* to a halt... We'll show 'em though! Eventually.... when the old body's healed a bit. Have a fab park run when it comes. Let's hope it's a bit more sunny by then!

DeterminedBear profile image

Brilliant post!

Mand102 profile image

Hahaha, this made me laugh. I go running with my 17 year old daughter, although usually at different paces (She's only 4'8" so it's a very leisurely jog for me if I run the same speed as her, bless her). Normally she's as enthusiastic as I am, unless it's really warm or raining, tben i have a 5 minute warm up accompanied by constant whinging!

I've also a 15 year old son that likes to cheer me on.....from home. He wouldn't be seen dead running with me!! 😂

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Mand102

The things we have to poke up with!! I am amazed she is out with me to be honest, but I realised it's so early none of her mates will be out of their pit at that time!!

oldwheezer69 profile image

This made me laugh out loud! My 13 year old 'Kevin' of a son is on week 2 with me... I dared to suggest on the way to school this morning that he might want to do a parkrun with me late June (which will be my first public run as we are doing this on our treadmill at home). Eye roll and big sigh.... 'but mum, you'll be so slooow!' Me: 'yes darling but if you go bombing off without me it will be fine as I'll catch you up half way round when you stop cos you've got stitch!' Cue more eye rolls..... Haha! Gotta love running with teenagers!! 🤣🤣🤣

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to oldwheezer69

It's good to know I am not alone in this!! Nice (hopefully!) that you are doing it together :)

Mummycav profile image

Blummin ‘eck fishy...? Not that pesky hip???? Sounds like you & your daughter had a good run, it’s a strange but satisfying strange running with our children...William is too young yet to get the embarrassed feeling but my other two, well, they cringe if I pull up in the car with my running kit on!!! I hope she sticks with it, you’ll be so proud...let us rush though Fishy, don’t make that visit to the IC longer than necessary x

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