So, I completed the couch to 5k 4 months ago now and have let things say the least! I did a few free runs after graduating but since then, I have completely abandoned running!!! I'm at the point where I'm going to start up again as I miss the amazing benefits I gained from running (mainly sleeping better and feeling more positive about myself), so I thought I'd drop by and say hi This group really helped me when I started out so I'm hoping to gain inspiration from you all once more
Time to get back on track after almost 4 month... - Couch to 5K
Time to get back on track after almost 4 months off!!
Well done for getting back to sure it will be much easier for you to get through this time and your fitness will come back in no time 😀
If you did it once, you can do it again - and again and again! It took a while to dawn on me that C25k isn’t just for beginners but is a useful structure anytime you want to restart or maintain. Great that you came first to the forum...good luck Kerrisue
Whoopee you’re back here and running: give yourself a clap on the back.
Well done.This is the second best decision of your life.🤔
The first time you got some rewards,quality sleep and lifted mood.Pleased for you.
This canbe a life changing experience.🤔
My top tip, re read all the FAQ Posts and members posts and replies, and find a gem that you take with you on your first run and a new one or a few , on all of your following runs.
Your are building a running body and a running brain.🤔
As you complete each training run, share your experiences and things you have learned, because remember these are gems for Newbies and all abilities also.
The C25k programme and community, is a jewel in the crown , in my opinion , of the NHS One You /Everthing HealthUnlocked/HealthUnlocked, Leadership to Health Journey.🌟
It is Amazing, but also amazing for me is how little is known if it.🤔🙈.
Mind blowing, world class, comprehensive gift for all.You name it in health and fitness and it has it all and more.
I am not amazed now, that it has the information and the gems to be life changing.
Go get the gems and share yours.
Enjoy your journey.👏👏
Thank you so much for this advice x I will post again tonight after my run 🏃 I'm actually quite excited now. I'm so pleased I wrote the post this morning as I'm now feeling motivated again 💪
Yeay. welcome back.. we have a newbie post which may have some reminders in it for you
Slow and steady does it...( yes, I am still here
Thank you so much! Sadly it wasn't a good start as I didn't get home from work until gone 9pm ladt night and felt too lazy to go out jogging 😳 I'm in my running gear now and will head out during my lunch break 🏃