Seemed strange running on a Sunday and boy was it busy out there today with football mates going on and I am sure there was a dog walkers gala as I have never seen so many dogs out today. Anyway I battled through it andrather enjoyed it today although the last 5 minute run took its toll but I listened to laura and battled on to the end. I do find it odd that I actually answer her when she is talking. i am sure other people must think me a nutter, but it helps me so not gonna change. Bring on Week 5. however working afternoons next week so going to be strange running in the morning
Week 4 Run 3: Seemed strange running on a Sunday... - Couch to 5K
Week 4 Run 3

I’m 1 run behind you! Well done and let us know how Week 5 goes! I haven’t managed to do a post-work evening run yet - funny how we get into habits so quickly, but I need to get one in this week or I’ll never get 3 runs a week in! 👏👍

Well done you! - I love that you answer Laura. I said "What??!!" to her on a couple of occasions out on the pavement when I was shocked at her demands! Passers by must've thought I was bonkers ! 😄

Brilliant! I talk back to Sarah Millican so no, you're not alone there! 👍😂
Well done you, I’m sure we all speak, shout and swear at our coaches.... As there’s over 40000 of us spread throughout the world - you’d think people would just know now and say ‘Ah yes a C25Ker'

I feel many, many of us have talked and still talk to Laura... she is a real friend, and has such broad shoulders too ( " What do you mean Laura.... finish in style!!!!! "
Very well done you... keep it slow and steady

Well done Bertie I’m listening to Sarah Millican as I was hoping for her sense of humour she keeps saying how she’s done it and I keep thinking she hasn’t but she’s got me through it so thank you Sarah 🙃