Feeling Concerned - advice please: So I have an... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Feeling Concerned - advice please

Chilli-red profile image
24 Replies

So I have an underactive thyroid and after over exercising 2 years ago, was completely wiped out with ME type symptoms, could barely put one foot in front of the other and swollen glands in my neck. Doctors kept on saying it was a virus but it lasted for over a year! I decided to keep off the exercise because of this, with just small amounts of walking. Now after 2 years I thought I would try to do the couch to 5k and was felt thrilled doing week one. I did day 2 of week 2 yesterday and felt completely exhausted although I don't feel too bad today. Just a bit concerned as I don't want to go back to where I was two years ago, and feel determined to carry on but wondered if anyone else had similar, or could give me any advice please?

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Chilli-red profile image
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24 Replies
Rignold profile image

We are not medically trained so unable to offer medical advice. You should consult your doctor in the first instance.

Underactive thyroid can cause tiredness but exercise is generally presrcribed as an antidote to this, and if you are taking thyroxine you should have the same reaction to C25k as anyone else. It is certaibly not uncommon to feel very tired when starting exercise, particularly if you have been very inactive, but if you have swollen glands etc then definitely the Doctor is where you shold seek advice, not the internet.

Chilli-red profile image
Chilli-red in reply to Rignold

Thanks for your reply. I have contacted the doctors and all they ever say is that its a virus so just wanted to ask if anyone else had any similar

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Chilli-red

I had a very lengthy viral infection when I was a student- ( glandular fever type thing) eventually it went away. I did have a phase while I was still recovering when I had to balance rest & exercise carefully.

ebcroquet profile image

I too am hypo and take thyroxin- have you had your bloods checked recently? 🤔

Chilli-red profile image
Chilli-red in reply to ebcroquet

Thanks for reply, Yes bloods have been okay

icklegui profile image

I think my advice is, if you get proper exhausted / swollen glands again, try a different doctor if you can, don't go back to that one! Unless they changed their tune about the 'virus' and learnt from it!

Also hypothyroid here and on levothyroxine. When you get your blood tests might be worth keeping an eye on vit d, iron, the usual suspects. But please get medical advice, I am not that sort of doctor, I just do what mine say! :)

Take it easy x

Chilli-red profile image
Chilli-red in reply to icklegui

Thanks for reply, I have always exercised with underactive thyroid and been on thyroxine for 14 years. I really overdid the exercise two years ago, and caused some kind of adrenal fatigue, I think I over stressed my body. I have mentioned to doctors several times, but they don't seem interested. I eat really healthy, don't drink, don't smoke and take supplements including vitamin D and iron, just really want to do this couch to 5k but don't want to completely drain myself again

davelinks profile image

Well done for getting started with c25k. Doing c25k can be very tiring in the early stages, as any excercise can be if not used to it.. check out an earlier post on here by Sadie-runs called energy, but as already said, see your doctor if you still have concerns regarding your thyroid or another doctor for a 2nd opinion..

Chilli-red profile image
Chilli-red in reply to davelinks

Thanks for reply, that is what I am hoping is that it is the usual tiredness from the exercise, as my energy levels can be quite low.

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to Chilli-red


3 things, 1. make sure you're well hydrated, 2. Stretch after your runs, 3. Only run slow and steady, just above brisk walking pace and no more, although you may think you can go faster as you go on, don't! this really is key to staying uninjured and off the injury couch..

Chilli-red profile image
Chilli-red in reply to davelinks

Thanks Dave, I drink plenty of water, and I am running at a slow steady pace, I get up at 6 and run as I am more of a morning person, but that means that I am running on empty, but don't want to eat first in case it makes me feel sick, I do warm up a bit and stretch after running so I think I am doing everything right, maybe its my age I am no spring chicken!

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to Chilli-red

Was just some gentle reminders that's all, seeing as you think you're feeling more tired than usual.

It's nothing to do with age! I'm older and a lot on here are older than you, so stop thinking it's age, it doesn't help..😊

Chilli-red profile image
Chilli-red in reply to davelinks

I know its not an age thing, I see people much older than me running :-)

Anthie profile image

Hi Chilli-red, I'm about to dare to venture out while it's snowing and despite feeling lethargic. I'm on Levothyroxine (100µ and 75µ from Fridays to Sundays) and hypothyroidic. I've been struggling for the last month with fatigue but not as dramatic as yours two years ago (this was more like me when I was diagnosed 10 years ago and I could fall asleep while standing up in the underground...). So, I would say if you've started on the programme and you are under medication, it should be fine.

I didn't run every other day because of my work timetable and also other fitness activities when I did the programme. I left 2 or 3 days in-between runs. If you feel more tired than usual, take some extra-rest days. You can still do the programme and extend the number of weeks (9 weeks for graduation is a target but not an obligation): plan 2 runs within 7 days. See you how you feel. If you're fine, then try 3 runs. But listen to your body. I felt really good after the runs when I started. But lately, I've had headaches again after the 30 mns and have to make sure I get some nap in the day.

Are you on the Thyroid forum? It's worth getting your vitamins and ferritin levels checked. As other members said (I can see we are a few to be concerned by this thyroid dysfunction!), check with a GP if you are in doubt. This thyroid thing is so tricky and everybody reacts differently, plus for women, the interaction with other hormones are making diagnosis even more complex. It's a nightmare for both GPs and endocrinologists. If you need to get more feedback, I really advise you to get onto the Thyroid forum.

Chilli-red profile image
Chilli-red in reply to Anthie

Thanks for your reply. I will check the thyroid forum, I used to be on it a few years ago. I know my thyroid causes me to have really low energy, but 2 years ago, I got to the stage where even standing up was hard work because my energy levels were so low, and that is why I am concerned because I don't want to get to that stage again. I have tried speaking to a few different doctors but to be honest they don't seem interested. I am 55 years old and pretty healthy for my age apart from this, I also take HRT as had a full hysterectomy at 35years old.

Anthie profile image
AnthieGraduate in reply to Chilli-red

Just carry on with the programme but slow and steady as the mantra goes. And really, take 2 or 3 rest days in-between runs. I know how it feels to be unable to get up. It's so frustrating (and costly) this problem with finding the right doctor. Let us know how you're doing and don't take any risks.

Chilli-red profile image
Chilli-red in reply to Anthie

Thanks, I am trying to fit in 3 x a week, but maybe if I stretch it out a bit to twice a week and see how it goes

icklegui profile image


Oh ... maybe also bear in mind that you can take longer than a week, to do each week? Take extra rest days - I usually leave two days between runs anyway, rarely running more than twice in a week! I did my C25K like that, just because I find it hard to plan my time and stick to it so 3x a week was a lot for me.

Oldfloss profile image

I, also would get a second opinion...if you have a healthy eating regime and are sleeping well etc... then maybe it is time to get it checked out. B12 can be an issue too.. We are not, as the others say medical experts, and the reasons for one persons lack of energy or similar is quite different than another person.

Chilli-red profile image
Chilli-red in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks, I have a doctors appointment booked next week

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Chilli-red

Be firm.. you need answers:) x Keep us all posted we are right here:)

Chilli-red profile image

Well silly me!..........The thought never crossed my mind, but I also do the 5-2 diet, and on week one I was doing my running days on the days that I can eat what I want, but last week due to other commitments I did my running on the fast days, which meant I was only having 500 calories on those days, never thought about it until the weekend when I did W2 R3 and felt okay, obviously fasting and exercise on the same day are a definite no no for me. Will continue this week with running on my eating days and see what happens.

Rignold profile image

could be that on;y eating 500 calories a day twice a week is causing the fatigue etc, irrespective of exercise.

Chilli-red profile image

I don't think so because I had the really bad fatigue 2 years ago, and only started doing 5-2 diet a few months ago, and have felt much better eating that way, its only when I introduced exercise again that the fatigue returned, normally feel much more energised with this way of eating

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