So, after much procrastination I will start my couch to 5K programme tomorrow morning. Any advice/encouragement greatly appreciated!
Wish me luck: So, after much procrastination I... - Couch to 5K
Wish me luck

Great decision.
You will not regret it.
Read the guide to the plan it should useful.
Enjoy your journey.
Good luck! I have just finished wk8 and had never run on my life. Has took me longer than 9 weeks but I don’t care! Keep going no matter what ☺️

Check out the link from the amazing IannodaTruffe .. and then...get the shoes on and get out there Steady, slow and enjoy...
Then post your run

Honestly go slow. It’s so easy to go too fast. Good luck you can do this

Well done for making the decision! Just listen to the podcast, put on good running shoes and go for it! But as Giddys said, take it easy if you've never done any running in a long time: slow, slow and even slower if you can't find your breath. Enjoy yourself!
Enjoy the process, (me time/being out doors/thinking/getting fitter/new trainers/running friends etc.) rather than focusing on the end result (weight loss/achieving 5k) . That way you’ll be more inclined to stick with it and end up with the results you want anyway.

Believe in yourself and believe in the programme. That's what I have learnt.
How’d it go?