I decided that I might as well join in with the Saturday park runs as part of the program. If I was going to do 25 mins then it would be interesting to see what the park runs were about and run with others. I could always walk the last bit.
The 200 or so runners were a real mix of old and young and all shapes and sizes. The good news is that no matter what you wear you fit right in and no matter what pace you run at there is someone doing about the same somewhere.
The first 100m I walked as it was crowded but I wasn't looking for a time but just to run for 25mins. I made sure I didn't set off too fast. Easy to run too quickly with others around you but I settled into a nice comfortable pace and so I could say thank you to the volunteers as I passed them. At 25 mins I had covered 4km or so and had settled in with a group. Rather than stop I just kept going with them. With their encouragement I got to the end. Unbelievable.
So now I have a quandary. Even though I haven't finished the program I have completed a full 5km. Do I graduate?
The paths were also boggy and my road shoes had no grip. I looked with envy at the trail shoes of others. I've seen some for £30 in a local sports discount store. Do I buy them?