Anyone Else Run Like Mrs Overall...: when they... - Couch to 5K

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Anyone Else Run Like Mrs Overall...

39 Replies

when they are tired? Because I do, and I feel my right shoulder droop and my head droops even more, and that is my unfailing signal to stop running.

But today even though Mrs Overall made an appearance, I managed to finish off the pale blue on my Monopoly Board challenge as well as doing the pink squares, and getting in my final Railway Station.

And yippee I made a milestone of a 15km run+, it wasn't fast, it wasn't elegant and I wasn't pretty. Face Colour Monarch Red at the end of it.

I messed up my choice of music, because the playlist ended up with some songs being played 3 times each, but when Hot Chocolate and 'So You Win Again' came on about 2 kms from home, it geed me up no end.

That's 93km run so far this year, only another 1,925 to go on my Alzheimer's Challenge.

39 Replies
Susieq174 profile image

I walk like Mrs overall! And I run like Mrs overall carrying a particularly heavy tray 😁 thanks for that picture- that’s going to make me smile now next time I run.

Well done on the long run 👍

in reply to Susieq174

No-one can say us Mrs Overalls don't get the runs done!

Razouski profile image


I’d be happy to run like Mrs Overall as I’m still stuck on the IC.

In fact I’m actually on the sofa at Fix as I’m writing this as I arrived a little early for a rehearsal and concert.

Hoping to try an experimental run tomorrow- maybe just 5k and see if Mrs Overall makes an appearance.

Your distance and Monopoly properties are great .

I did go back to Kettlercise yesterday and thought of you. 💪🏻

in reply to Razouski

My Kettlercise day is tomorrow, I couldn't possibly do running and those at the same time! Today I tried the other vampire in my wardrobe - the foam roller... It's equally as nasty as the Kettlebells. Just having a much needed shower, then I have physiotherapy to be done - another bit of middle aged bod giving up the ghost... Have fun this evening and catch up soon. And I hope your experimental 5k is a successful one, with no Mrs Overall in sight.


Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to

It’s 3am and am sitting on a ferry to the Isle of Wight, emergency trip. Only have the clothes I’m in with me so looks likeI’ll be postponing my run for at least another day. 😏

in reply to Razouski

Oh Gill, I do hope your trip turns out okay. The run can always wait. Best wishes to you - is there anything I can do to help?

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to

It’s complicated, but I’m on a ferry homeward bound (if rather tired). Sibling problems I’ll tell you about over a coffee and PCT sometime.

in reply to Razouski

Ok let me know when you’re next down and PCT will be ordered

Irishprincess profile image

A big well done on the run Jan, that's brilliant. According to some of my race photos I clearly run lopsided but I've convinced myself it's the angle of the photo 🙂

in reply to Irishprincess

Quite clearly it is your Royal Crown causing you to list slightly. It’s a common problem for Royalty, Without your crown you are as straight as me 😜

Thanks for the well done, my poor old bod feels as though I’ve been trampled on. But it’s the furthest I’ve ever run so am a happy but tired Mrs Overall

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to

Haha! Must leave it at home next time 😏 Keep moving and lots of stretching. You've done amazingly 👏👏👏

Pm3eak profile image

Well, I'd happily look like Mrs. Overall if I could run that far.

It has been pointed out, by someone who obviously just wanted to wound an already suffering creature, that when I get tired I oscillate between leaning forward like Eddie the Eagle on a ski jump slope and then, in an effort to compensate, running bolt upright like Forrest Gump. The effect is to make me look like a huge, upside-down pendulum lumbering along amid the green fields of Shropshire.

I absolutely love the Monopoly Board idea. I used to work in London and did visit some of those locations to stand and gawp like the out-of-place yokel I was: it was better than spending my evenings staring at the walls on the top floor of Waterloo Travelodge...or trying to work out what the Hell was going on with shower curtains that were possessed by an evil spirit intent on smothering me. Travelodges are a veritable nest of mysteries.

in reply to Pm3eak

Agreed on Travelodges, also the shower curtain wraps itself around you just as scalding hot lava squirts out from the shower/tap . An evil fitting which never performs either function well! And Mrs Overall made appearances even in my Week 1, I think she is my tired alter ego... when I am tattered, she shows up! And your Forrest Gump Eagle look, sounds a C25K Classic... although I accept it did sound like a torture comment! Mr JCR said I don’t see what the big deal is on 15k, you’ve done 12, how much harder can it be? Obvs went to the same school of helpful commentary ...

Slinkymalinki profile image

Wow! That's amazing! Love the monopoly runs and am wondering how you will cope with the utility companies?! Running for dementia last year really kept me going when I flagged - it felt like every footstep counted and the feeling has stayed with me. Shame I felt so cold and floppy when I came home from work that I talked myself out of a 5k run and ate my son's cheese biscuits from his cookery lesson. But I am doing tone and torture (aka Pilates) tonight to atone for this and can assure you that I can get a touch of the Mrs Overall's doing that too!

in reply to Slinkymalinki

So the Monopoly runs and Utilities, I thought I had them sussed when I Googled the Electric company to find where they were - Camberwell a bit far out for me this time so 333 Euston Road was perfect! But as I wrote on my blog the company had become a kebab shop. And that was closed. So I have a cunning plan, there's a water reservoir near us about a couple of miles, so that's water, then there's a British Gas fitters yard about a mile away too, so I reckon that counts. And if all else fails I'll look for an electrician's van when running - how does that sound? Ooh Pilates Ive managed to avoid that one, as Razouski persuaded me to get out my vampire kettlebells and use them. And I quite understand why Pilates could make you Mrs Overall too - there's quite a few of us, but I've never read anything about her in Runner's World!

IannodaTruffe profile image

You are making great progress Jan. Many people are somewhat asymmetrical at the end of a 15k run, especially their first one.

That awareness of posture, along with colour matched face will see you well, even if at times neither are quite matching your ideal.

Keep running, keep smiling.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

Still live in hope of Raspberry Diva in colour and Mo Farah in style, but I can work on one and hopefully the other will come in time. Thanks for the encouragement, when I signed myself up for the 2018 kms in 2018, it never occurred to me to check my weekly average last year!

And now I realise, I may have been over ambitious! Still no pain, no glory...

Wow, 15k, Im in awe of you. I shall be ecstatic when I manage 5k. The nearest I’ve come is 4.21 in just under 39 minutes.

in reply to

Hi Flick, yes this has been a long time coming and I do have the benefit (dubious or otherwise) of being a lapsed runner from a couple of years back. But it's doable, I graduated C25K in August last year.. And the distance comes, but as the distance comes the time gets worse.... Unless you're Mr Farah you can't seem to have both! But all your kit will help you go faster!

in reply to

Lol, yes, Id better keep running and running well to justify all that kit! Do I need to buy overalls? 😉

in reply to

you could buy the floral penny and run in that - just imagine...

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With curlers in me hair, under a hairnet, a fag in me gob, and slippers 👍🏻

in reply to

tasteful, what's not to like? we could introduce Nora Batty's stockings, although my longer leggings do that anyway!

in reply to

I was thinking of Norah Batty.

Anniemurph profile image

Brilliant, well done! I love the Monopoly idea :)

I have developed a habit of looking straight ahead as I pass plate-glass windows, because otherwise I see that I am running with an invisible zimmer-frame.

in reply to Anniemurph

Thanks, omg I hadn’t even thought of the invisible zimmer, maybe it’s there already

HeleneCorsa profile image

Well done on the 15k and I love the Mrs. Overall image. I hope you run with a yellow rubber glove tucked down the front of your leggings :)

2018k in 2018 - that's one heck of a challenge!! Is it all running or can you include other activities too, like cycling/swimming etc?

in reply to HeleneCorsa

Foolishly I settled on running, with a minimum distance of 5k, oh and just to make it harder the warm up walk and warm down elements don’t count.....that’s why I am running like Mrs Overall... I stupidly thought doubling my weekly distance wouldn’t be a big deal. A stretch but not horrendous. It’s close to 40km a week, no holidays.... oh and all the guidance says every third or fourth week you should drop to shorter runs to prevent injury....

No pain no gain, but I have to hope for no serious strains ....

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsaGraduate in reply to

Wow! I imagine that will take a lot of discipline (not only in terms of covering the distance, but also knowing when to pull back so as to avoid injury). I am sure you can do it though. It's a pity about the 5k minimum distance as the odd slow 2 or 3k recovery run here and there would be easy to fit in frequently and bolster your total a lot over time. I suppose the key to upping mileage (kilometrage? is that even a word?) is to go as slowly as possible.

Keep us informed of your progress so we can cheer you on! It's such a worthy cause. Do you have a JustGiving page or similar?

in reply to HeleneCorsa

Sorry for delay been somewhere without WiFi, I made my rules without thinking too much, as you so brilliantly have observed. No sneaking in a quick 2 or 3km. Bless you for asking, my page is

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsaGraduate in reply to

Brilliant! Thanks.

in reply to

Blimey Jan!

Let’s be careful out there 🏃🏾‍♀️

icklegui profile image

you are fantastic just for taking on the challenge :) x

in reply to icklegui

Thanks for your support and good wishes. I hope very much to do them justice!

Mummycav profile image

That’s absolutely brilliant Hidden ....I will NEVER be able to run that distance!!! I cannot imagine how that must feel??!!! I just think it’s amazing...Mrs Overall deserves a little outing after that!!!! X

in reply to Mummycav

She went to a housebuilding show does that count as an outing?

And of course you will do 15km+, if you want to do it, then the Mummycav effect will kick in and it will happen!

I never thought I would and I still don't fancy the 'm' word as I am a bit too high maintenance to think of losing toenails...

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to


Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Of course that’s an outing, although a weekend in a luxurious spa sounds like a more deserved outing!!!! I pray that I will one day be able to cover such a distance but at the moment that is a dream to me...inspirational people like you make me keep on wanting it though 😉

in reply to Mummycav

Thank you that is so kind of you. Luxurious spa is on the list for Mrs O... 👍

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