I never thought it possible but I did it! I pushed on past the 30 mins and made it in 33 minutes! I stopped once to stretch off a stiff calf muscle but otherwise kept a slow steady pace running at about 7min pace and as I was feeling good picked up the pace again for the last km which I ran at 5.30 pace. Feeling on top of the world right now!
Just completed my first 5K W9R2: I never thought... - Couch to 5K
Just completed my first 5K W9R2

Well done.. but take it steady.. there is no need to push too hard. Just do the 30 mins and really take it steady.. better to get to that podium in one piece ..
Roll that calf muscle out too!

Congratulations on your first 5k...........but that stiff calf muscle is trying to tell you something.
Why not stick to the plan, which most people get through without injury if they don't push too hard.
Have you read this healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
Take care.

That's amazing! Bet you are chuffed

Congratulations! And only one more run until graduation! Nearly there!!!

Thanks to all the advice on here I’ve e decided to leave the final run till Saturday. In the meantime I’m going to do some core workouts in the gym and some gentle work on the elliptical. I should be good to go by Saturday!