Still running, but life and weather get in the... - Couch to 5K

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Still running, but life and weather get in the way :)

17 Replies

Hello lovely runners,

I've not posted for a little bit, so I thought I should probably post a bit of a progress update.

Don't worry, I am still running! Not quite as much as I'd like, but I'm still getting out there. My main issues in the past couple of weeks has been time and weather, meaning that I struggle to fit runs in when it's not pelting it down, I'm not knackered, or at work, or trying unsuccessfully to build a shed, or something. However, I'm determined to keep this up.

Let me just state for the record: I am, and may well always be a fair-weather runner. I do not enjoy running in the rain, the wind, or the dark. I could pretend it's otherwise, but in order to succeed, I need to be honest with where I'm at, I think.

This weekend just gone, for example, I had my kids with me, so didn't want to leave them for too long, plus one of them was a little under the weather, so I just went out for a short run, again, about 20 minutes, but it felt really good. I was slow and steady, but no knee pain whatsoever, and it just felt fantastic to be out there, in between rain showers.

I've kind-of given up on the canal towpath for now, given it's bog-like condition at the moment, and decided to focus on being a roadrunner - meep meep! Oh, sorry, road <space> runner. Apart from the odd dodgy paving slab, it's a much more even, less knee-destroying surface. The trouble is, unlike canals, which tend not to flow up hill, the roads near where I am are quite hilly, so unless I want to run round the same few short roads, I do, at some point, need to tackle the dreaded hill. So I did - gently. I picked a route which took me up a gentle hill, which was fine. I felt it a bit in my legs, but it's all good.

I do still need to hit 5k, but I honestly am not bothered about it, I'm just happy that I'm still running, because for me the goal of C25K was fitness.

So - that's about all for now, I'll keep you folks posted. Take care and happy running!


17 Replies

I am the Same. I aim for 3 times a week but some weeks only manage 1 and that can only get worse as the weather gets colder. I listen to podcasts in the dark just to make it less boring. But I figure if I keep trying and manage at least one a week I will be ready to make the most of nice weather when it comes.

in reply to

My thoughts exactly! I listen to The Archers when i have one to catch up on, and basically most things BBC Radio 4, though not the politics. Politics and running don’t mix for me!

What I have noticed is that not running for 5 or 6 days doesn’t seem to affect my fitness too much, so if I can keep it going like that, then great :-)

Sadie-runs profile image

I was wondering where you were! Glad to hear all is well and that you are still getting out there. 👍

I totally understand where you coming from re: weather. I don't enjoy running in wind and rain either, and am longing for those lovely warm early morning runs of the spring/summer.

Doesn't matter if you only manage once or twice a week. Important thing is you still have the desire to run and you enjoy it! Like you, I am not aiming for a world record or a marathon, just want to get a bit fitter and stay fit. Good goal to have. 😃

Happy running, Neil! 😘

in reply to Sadie-runs

Oh yes, I totally agree, warm early morning runs are great. I managed to get one or two in before the weather turned British. It's so funny - I have two church friends who are runners. I spoke to them both about this issue. One said that if you didn't run in the rain you were a wuss, said with a smile on his face I should point out, and the other said that she totally got where I was coming from, so I think opinion is divided.

I was very excited you did 5k btw... hoping to acheive that milestone myself before too long. Sorry I haven't replied to more stuff... life has a horrible habit of getting in the way.

Hey - how's your hip doing?

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to

Oh I run in the rain, I am no wuss! I would just rather not. :-) I don't mind winter, but I think I am part bear. I want to hibernate. After eating a huge plate of mashed potatoes.

I have ran 5k three times now! (Not in 30 minutes, of course, I am not mental). Best time so far is 34 minutes. But I am not really looking to speed up, happy with how I am going right now.

Hip: still niggles now and then, but sloooowly getting better, thanks for asking. I am super pleased to hear your knee is doing well!

You’re still running and that’s a fab thing, and far better to run your way than not at all...

Well done for being out there runner

davelinks profile image

R4 and The Archers! Oh dear! You need to get out more😊 at the very least twice a week during Winter, a little wet and cold never hurt anyone if suitably wrapped up!😊

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to davelinks

True. All you need is a few layers that you can take off as you go. Unless there is biblical storm/fire/flood, I simply go out and run regardless. I mean, running, not weather is our concern, right? ;)

quirkybee profile image

Oh Neil, I can't reiterate more. Your story sounds just like mine and probably like many others too.

To be honest though, I am not bothered what the weather is like. After doing a 10,000 steps per day challenge throughout June for Cancer Research, I had many days where it just rained and rained and felt quite cold too, but I guess that's slightly different to running in it, but I have ran in the rain and find it quite therapeutic.

Unfortunately, life does get in the way. I am not keen for running in the dark, especially in my area as my route takes me along back paths...... So this is the only thing that prevents me during the week evenings, moreso than not having time, as I am able to on times to fit it in, but no, not on these dark nights. Then the weekend arrives and it's manic as many things are left till then, plus I try and spend longer with my Mum than I'm able to each day of a week night, as I see her after work each day.

Plus, as you mentioned, the C25K is a wonderful fitness regime, I felt fitter when doing it 3 days a week and I need discipline in my life to keep on track and knowing I was following a podcast, and I tried to do it 3 times a week, many times I couldn't, so had to fit it in when I could, oh did I feel better for it. As for last week end I had full intentions of running, but had so much to catch up on and time spent with Mum, the 2 days just disappeared.

Keep up the good work Neil, I'm with you all the way. Plus, as you have a young family, it is difficult, so I fully appreciate as and when you are able to run 😊🤗

SlowLoris profile image

I don't think 20 minutes is a short run mate. In week 5 it seemed like a very long run.

Shelby1973 profile image

Hi Neil I was thinking about u only yesterday. Have u thought of joining a cheap gym if ur a fair weather guy . X

Sadeskin profile image

Lovely to hear from you Neil and how you are getting on. Brilliant that you are keeping it going and managing it with everything else in life too, I so agree it can be tricky!

I too am sticking to roads, apart from parkruns. The trouble I have is crossing the roads though particularly as when I get out it seems to be peak time for traffic. I don’t like having to stop for too long!

Glad all is well


Richard7 profile image

Well done Neil. I agree it's tough with the weather at the moment .. I really didn't want to run on Monday .. been thinking about a gym but trying to steer away from it. Know what you are saying re the canal - mine was more like a collection of paddling pools on Monday.

I am averaging two a week. It's just the dark evenings that do for me. So I am doing a 5k at the weekend and redoing the c25k again but this time running as fast as I can- this is a little less time consuming. I am sure that when spring comes we will all emerge into the light, trotting along like little lambs. Just do what you can!

Richard7 profile image
Richard7Graduate in reply to

I had contemplated going back to C25K with a Fast as You Can approach but decided to keep going as I am maybe another (this week) of 30 minutes straight run and then plan in some short faster (would not call it fast) bursts with gentle run/walk between - is that what you mean re going back? Using them as interval training?

in reply to Richard7

Yes exactly. I can run quite a long way now but speed escapes me so I thought I would try this over the winter and return to distance in the spring. Not sure that is the thing to do, but here’s hoping it works👍😊

Oldfloss profile image

Run... as and when you can...:)

I am all over the place run-wise currently... my regular Sunday Tuesday Friday have gone AWOL... ( caring for granddaughter two days a week has thrown me into chaos:) I am however keeping up with core strength and other exercise... just to be sure that when I hit the trail I feel okay :)

Just do what you need to take it gently and enjoy :) Even the hills!


This has reminded me I have to get a 10K in on Thursday... last day of November... eeek!

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