First run of week 7 done ... back at my desk celebrating with a cup of hot chocolate.
It was perfect running weather today; cold but bright sunshine, pale blue sky and fabulous autumn colours. There were still patches of frost left in East Malling churchyard where the sun hadn't made it through. The first 5 mins felt quite tough going to be honest, but then I must have settled into my (snail's) pace and next 20 mins were actually quite enjoyable. Loving the solitude and my trusty iTunes shuffle pulling out some more great tunes (singing along to Talking Heads 'And She Was' - good thing no-one else was around) and the next thing I know Jo is whispering in my ear that there's 5 mins left. I even managed to speed up a bit for the last 60 secs like she suggested ( although"sprinting" would be massively over-exaggerating!) as there was another runner coming in the opposite direction and vanity wouldn't allow me to look as if I was struggling along, so I surprised myself in the last few mins. We smiled and waved and I actually felt like a proper runner!
Now for a couple of rest days and then back to r2 on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone and happy running