It was nearly dark, it was raining the mizzly stuff that defies gravity and soaks you from every direction. But I put on my nice new running tights and off I went into the gloom. I went off too fast and suffered later but slowed right down to gather myself... finshed feeling OK, if a little damp. Just checked my distance - 4.58Km in 28mins. By my maths I think I might be on track to do the 5K in 30mins next week! (Those of you with more maths-brains than me and more knowledge of the extra 2 mins and what it does to one's pace will advise me, I'm sure!) I'm so glad I got off my backside and went for it!
W8R2. New leggings = New legs!?!: It was nearly... - Couch to 5K
W8R2. New leggings = New legs!?!

Sounds terrific

Well done...just keep it steady until that Graduation week

You’re braver than me... I deferred my run from this morning to the afternoon as it was that”rain that gets you wet”😂
Well done on the pace sounds like you have it cracked, you are going to be within a whisker of the 5k in 30...although as I keep getting reminded it about running for the 30... but doing 5k in that time will be a massive boost to your confidence !! Go for it 👍

Go, you!!
You are running at an average pace of 6:07m/k over 4.58k.
You need to average 6:00m/k for 5k in 30 mins.
You don't need to run 5k in 30 minutes to graduate, but you know what you have to do if you want to.......
I didn't go windsurfing, I went to work.......
I had better go and work on my pace if we are going to run together next week.

Good job getting out there in less than desirable weather. It is always hard to get out the door when it's like that but often feels so good when you've finished and know what a tough cookie you are. Well done. You're getting close to the home stretch now. One more corner and a long straight away......

Wow. Great run 👍
Great run, great time. Nicely done you

Well done on your run and great pace too. I actually ran the whole 5k yesterday in 35 mins. Very happy with that 😊 this programme is brilliant and you will be on the podium in no time 👏