For the first time in all of the eight weeks so far I tagged on an extra rest day. My W8R2 was fine but I had a nagging twinge, not even really a pain, in my left knee afterwards, but after my hideous experience with bad bursitis in both knees earlier in the year, I listened to my knee and gave it lots of ice and rest and a few ibuprofen. I think I was just being super-paranoid about it but there is no way I am jeopardising completing C25K at this stage.
I normally run at about 9am but today I went out late afternoon for W8R3. My knee paranoia told me to take it extra easy and I did a proper textbook OldflossRun™ —slow, steady and gentle— and it was absolutely fine. My knee is quite happy but I’m sat here with ice on it just in case. Seriously, my bursitis experience was really unfun but in a way I’m glad it’s made me make sure I listen to my body.
Anyway, it was utterly lovely out there this afternoon – everything is so wonderfully copper and bronze and gold. Next week is my week nine. Wowzer!