That was a tough one ... this is a clockwise circuit and with two laps of the boating lake, is the official Park Run circuit for Pontefract.
The whole of the right side is uphill, fair enough the left side was down hill I was actually trying to maintain a 6:30(ish) pace today, just to see if I could do it, and I did, just about ... fluctuated a little, but 6:46 isn't that far off. Would have been nice to do that extra lap of the boating lake and complete 5k but my legs didn't have it in them and I thought better of it. Another run to complete week 8, then its onto week 9 and the 30 minute runs ...
Goodness, where have all those weeks gone, and where did out of breath, red faced hobbling idiot go ...
My running is much easier now, as evidenced by the time I spend running, the distance I can cover and my recover time ... on top of that I have lost almost two stone in weight .... can't be bad ....
Thank you Couch to 5k for getting me this far, just a little bit further please ....