Just done 2nd run of week 4. Strabgely for me, I find myself looking forward to this and am finding the app useful. So, fellow couch leavers, who is your favourite coach? Michael Johnson is my man at the moment! He has such an even , smooth voice!
Getting Started - Favourite Coach on the App - Couch to 5K
Getting Started - Favourite Coach on the App

Good for you John! Sanjeev for me, love his soft Scottish voice ❤️. Just got in from wk5 r1. Nailed it. Wow! This programme is the best! I couldn’t do half a minute without wanting to collapse on the floor and die! I’m amazed that this works even for someone so unfit like me!!!

I haven't tried the app, I just have the podcast and I love Laura! There's something about the way she talks to you that makes you want to keep going no matter what. Some of her music is a bit dodgy though...!
The app means you can choose your own music, and no matter who’s voice you listen to the script is word for word the same as the Lovely Laura (literally!! Even down to the, “I found that it was around this time that I would get a stitch blah blah”. Exactly the same!! It’s nice to have your own music.
ah that's interesting, I think I'll look into that, thank you.!
But do you think that means that Laura didn't really get a stitch like we did in week 4? I don't know if I can cope with thinking that....!!
😂 Don’t worry, I suspect Laura was the original coach, so it’s likely the others are simply reading the script. I try not to roll my eyes when they share ‘their’ experiences. I’ve heard it all from Laura! To be honest it’s the fact I can choose my own music and still get the coaching which is the winner for me. I hate, hate the music that comes with the podcast!! So this is the best of both worlds!!

Hello and welcome!
The lovely Laura saw me through...... i still listen to her in a run occasionally 18 months on🏃🏻♀️

It’s MJ for me all the way!

My choice will always be Michael Johnson 😊😊