I am 55 and in good health but have never liked doing formal exercise! My last son has started Uni and I am feeling a bit at a loss, so I thought I would take myself in hand and have a go at the couch to 5k. Day 1 tomorrow!
Hi everyone
I am 55 and in good health but have never liked doing formal exercise! My last son has started Uni and I am feeling a bit at a loss, so I thought I would take myself in hand and have a go at the couch to 5k. Day 1 tomorrow!
Hi everyone
Hi welcome to the club. Like you my only son has gone to uni and lm feeling the loss dreadfully 😏 but it's our time now to rebuild our lives and get on with all the things we have had to put off in order to support them.
It's a great program and lm on W2R3 tomorrow g. I'm 56 and struggle with my weight so if l can do this anyone can. Good luck on your journey and enjoy. Your son will be very proud at what you have done. Lots of great friendly people around with sound advice. 👍🏃
Welcome! This is an excellent, well thought out programme for beginner runners, and I hope you enjoy it! I certainly have. I am 46 and had not run for almost 20 years before starting - and now in week 8 and completely hooked. It is amazing how gently, yet how quickly, this programme gets you fit! I can now run for 28 continuous minutes! Unbelievable.
Keep checking in to this forum for loads of support and useful tips. Most of all, believe in yourself- half this running lark (if not more) is in your mindset.
I have never felt happier nor healthier. 😊
Happy running!
Hello & welcome verymaturestudent ...well done for getting off the couch & congratulations for joining the best forum in the world!!! You will find the best advice & encouragement on here...we will prop you up when you’re feeling down, send you a virtual hug, which I’m sending you right now for your loss at your youngest starting uni, kick you up the butt as and when needed & run along with you on your runs....so, run 1 tomorrow??? Just remember ‘slow & steady’& if you get puffed, slow down even more...I’m looking forward to watching your journey, with a little bit of envy as you have got a great time to come....😉
Brilliant do it you will surprise yourself I felt exactly the same 😀😀😀 you will feel so pleased 😀
Hi, hope you have a great first day tomorrow. It will be the start to a new and fun journey.
You’ve got this!!! Be aware of your thoughts as you run, think positive thoughts only. Don’t let negative ones creep in, I promise it makes a massive difference to your success! This programme is miraculous - it really works! I’m amazed every time I go out, I’m actually running!! I never used to run even as a kid and here I am 49, fitter than I’ve been in years!! I feel soooo much better. Get decent trainers and take it steady. You CAN do it!!
We'll done- you won't regret it. After years of starting to run and always struggling I've realised how helpful the app is. Being quite needy I do find the encouraging voice of Sarah Milican really helpful as she talks me through each run!! For the first time ever I'm actually looking forward to my next session - run 5 next.
Good luck with your first run. 😊
Well failed at the first hurdle. I just couldn't carry on. Got as far as 4 runs (2 left to go) I think and felt so sick and hot I had to stop. This is supposed to be for everyone. What is wrong with me, I'm only 9 stone and in good health, but it was still too much for me. I guess on the positive side it's still more exercise than I have had in 30+ years! Didn't enjoy it at all though. Feel so deflated.
Hi. I'm another mature student with last son gone to university syndrome - I too started c25K when he left. Don't worry about a bad first run! It's just your body protesting in a change to its usual routine. Take a day's rest, then give it another go, and SLOW DOWN in the running sections - small strides, no more than a jog. Yes, it may feel a bit funny and difficult to get into a pattern, and you may think you could walk faster, but it will come. Are you running outside? It's been warm and muggy in large parts of the UK over the last few days, which is not ideal weather for us amateur runners, so don't blame yourself. Find some lighter clothes, stick with the programme, and let us know how you're getting on.
Go for it, you can do this. The best advise i received is go slow and steady and make sure you do your 5 minute warm up and cool down walks
Well I’m 57 and started last week! Just get out there.....you’ll enjoy it more than you think! The hardest part is taking that first step out the door! Good luck!x