I have a quick question for everyone. I recently started the program again from W1R1 and am currently on W2R2 ( I competed the program 2 years ago but gave up as soon as I completed the very last run due to my shins really hurting) The problem I have is that my calves feel like they are going to explode until I have been running for a while (typically on the last run they calm down). I used to have this problem in the past (20 years ago !) when fast walking or running but I wonder if there is anything I can do to get the muscles warmed up ( I assume that once they are warmed up they stop aching....hence why the pain goes away as I get to the 20 minute mark) ? I have read that stretching etc might not be the best way so I wondered if anyone had any suggestions ?
Calves killing me until near the end - Couch to 5K
Calves killing me until near the end
There is no reason why you can't undertake a longer warm up walk. For mine I walk gradually faster as I go along, so that by the time I start I am almost up to pace and there is little change in speed at the beginning of my run.
Well done on returning and getting to week 2
I don't have any tips but I do have the same problem! People here have called it the 'toxic ten [minutes]' before, but for me it's more around 15-20 minutes until it goes away. I've never really thought of a way to 'get rid' of it, rather just thought that as my legs/calves get stronger the ache will go away!
Thanks for the comments. I know from the last time I completed ( Yes I actually graduated last time) that the pain never goes away. Last time it was really painful shins AND sore calves but this time its just sore calves until they are sufficiently warmed up. It really puts me off running and is the main reason why I stopped running the day I graduated !
I had sore calves and shins when I started, for me the thing that helped was stretching afterwards. All my leg muscles were very tight and that puts a lot of pressure on the calves. I find that doing some squats helps to rectify the problem as well help to build up the glutes so they take some of the pressure off the calves.
I am guilty of not stretching after finishing the warm down walk. I will try a few stretches after the warm down walk from now on. Thanks for the advice. I am a barefooter and I think that has helped in general. This time round they don't hurt anywhere near as much as they did when I was shod 2 years ago !..... but still sore (and I am only early on in the training this time so they are probably just not used to being worked !! )
I would imagine barefoot running puts even more pressure on the calves if the glutes are not at the strongest.