Anyone suffer from bruised toe nails? One of my toe nails has a bruise underneath it, I'm wondering if it is due to running but I'm not sure if running 5K twice a week would cause this, what do you think?
Bruised second toe nail.: Anyone suffer from... - Couch to 5K
Bruised second toe nail.

If my big toe nails are too long then my big toes feel bruised, and that was when I went to boot camp, not running.

I suspect it could be, is your second toe longer than your big toe?
If yes it could be that your toe is pressing into the end of your shoe when running and hence damaging/bruising the nail
This arrived in my in-box yesterday... may be helpful

Shoes maybe too small, need to have about a thumbs width of room from the end of the longest toe (which is not always the big toe) to the end of the toe box..
Yup. It's due to running. This is surprisingly very common. I lost my two toe nails from my second toes after I completed my first half marathon. My second toe is longer than my first.
Make sure your shoes fit properly. Shouldn't be too tight and certainly not too big. Also try and do up your shoe lace to the eyelet closest to your ankle. It helps your foot to stop sliding forward.
Last but not the least, I swear by shellac nail polish. It toughens up your toe nails and makes them less likely to bruise the tender flesh underneath them! I've since run more halfs and experienced zero bruising. Good luck!
After my first half marathon race, I had 4 underneath toenails turn black. My second and third toes (Greek feet). Went up half a shoe size and started wearing injinji socks and saved nails. Took several months to heal. Its been over 6 months since and have had no other foot issues. I run 20-25 miles per week. Socks also prevent toes from rubbing against each other causing blisters and cuts from adjacent nails.
All of the posts replying are very helpful from a pure runner's perspective. But have you taken into account potential health issues? Do you bruise easily to begin with due to a low platelet count? Or are you on Ibrutinib, which can effect nails?

I get bruised big toes (they're my longest) if I don't keep the nails trimmed. I think they catch and pull just a little! My feet are quite different from each other in size - so I'm always compromising on shoe size - one a little tight, one a little loose.
I have found that a quick trim every few days solves the problem for me!

I get bruised 2nd toenails, there are different ways to tie shoe laces which can help if your toes are bumping the inside of your shoe, maybe your shoes are not quite big enough, or alternatively too big so your feet move more, or if like me your feet seem to hit off the front of your socks, and not your shoes, ininji toe socks may be the answer! No more black toenails for me since I got them!

Since getting bruised toenails I now keep nails trimmed and filed smooth (never did that pre-running!). I also now wear Ininji socks which prevent sore and blistered toes too. Poor fitting running shoes can also cause the problem. Mine are half way grown out now, and thankfully haven't dropped off (unlike some of my fellow running buddies!). Good luck x

I got this too, and it seemed it was caused by my feet sliding forward in my shoes as I ran downhill, solved it by (ever wonder what the two extra holes on your trainers are for???)