Anyone had any experience with this??
It bloody hurts!!
I'm gutted I love running any ideas how long it's going to take to heal??
Anyone had any experience with this??
It bloody hurts!!
I'm gutted I love running any ideas how long it's going to take to heal??
Hello Nj.
I guess it all depends upon how long you've suffered from them and if you've continually attempted to run through the pain and discomfort.
While the obvious answer to both would be to ensure sufficient rest, even by taking a short break from running, rest itself will only go so far, particularly if the muscles of the shin aren't sufficiently strengthened, so that they're better placed to handle the force placed through them with each foot- fall.
As much as you run to get fit, you also get fit to run, by conditioning the body so that it becomes less susceptible to over-use injuries.
To strengthen your shins, sit in chair with feet flat on the floor, proceeding to lift while keeping heels in contact with the ground. Hold the position for up to five seconds and relax, performing 2/3 sets of 10 (or as many as you can initially manage). After a few repetitions, the effort will be felt in the area above the ankle.
Alternatively, sit in the chair and place your toes and forefoot on a resistance band. Grab either end of the band and extend your leg. Pulling on either end of the band, proceed to point your toes against the resistance, holding for a second or two, before slowing returning to the starting position, maintaining the resistance as you do.
Additionally, don't neglect the calves either. While body weight may initially suffice, if you have a gym membership, use the calf machines, or even place your toes on the edge of the seated leg press. Don't apply too much weight to begin with, since correct form is what matters, allowing for full contraction and extension of the calves, thus, reducing a tendency to bounce the weight (as I see so many doing when they exercise their calves in the gym).
I suffer from tonsillitis so I'd taken a week and half off from running so when my legs were hurting I didn't think much of it, then 2 days later I went out again and that's when the real pain kicked in!
Thanks for the advice will give them a go!!
I'm taking a week off and then starting using my exercise bike for a bit before I try running again!
My friend is a pt and she's recommended new running trainers too!
Probably until you slow down
You do, from your last post, appear to be trying a tad too hard.
Just slow done.. you are a runner.. and you will go on with this journey...
This link may help
also massage and ice can help
You need a definitive diagnosis from your GP. It might not be shin splint at all.