I'm down in Wiltshire again and diligently packed my running gear just in case. Yesterday we went over to Teffont Evias, a cute little hamlet 50 miles away to celebrate Mr R's brother and sister-in-law's 50th anniversary. As the champagne flowed freely I could feel my resolve to run dissipating and by the time we went to bed all thoughts of running in the morning had completely gone. In fact it would probably be true to say that most rational thought had gone. 🍾🥂
Somehow though, I awoke just before 7 with the sun creeping in through the curtains of the hotel, and after attempting to rehydrate myself somehow decided that going out in the fresh air might be a panacea for my rather muzzy head. So that was it: running gear on and crept out quietly so as not to awaken Mr R from his slumbers.
I didn't think I'd go far, probably just a km or 2. But as I started on the warm up walk passed this quaint little church, watched ducks and grouse fluttering up at the sound of my footsteps and thought, I felt heartened. And then I was into my stride, slightly slower than usual, but totally absorbed by the surroundings. A beautiful misty vista awaited me at the top of the hill, and as I ran on through farmland these three lovely ladies came to say hello.
And then then as I ran around a small wooded area, I was startled by rustling in the undergrowth, and a duo of delightful deer dashed daintily alongside me then darted into the thicket. They were so beautiful... (unfortunately they were too quick for me to capture with my iPhone. The run was going well and soon my 1 r 2 km had developed into 5 as I approached this little lake, the sun beaming overhead, a swan with two cygnets enjoying an early morning swim. All symptoms of the night before's excesses were gone and as Mr R came out for a stroll to meet me. I'd covered 6 and a half km and I felt good.
This running malarkey is such a treat, and I felt fully justified in refuelling on a rather sumptuous breakfast. 🤓