You are going to love this!: Have been following... - Couch to 5K

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You are going to love this!

9 Replies

Have been following the forum for a while now after deciding to embark on C25K back in May. I got to W5R2 at the beginning of July and just hit a mental block - I couldn't get past it. But have battled on (went back to W4) and got back into it in the last few weeks and today was ready to go out and talkd W5R2 again! Having read some recent posts about running straight away I thought it made sense and tried it - so straight up and straight out!

I set off and was a little confused when told that I had done 5 mins and to pace myself if I felt tired - no problem as I thought I only had another 3 mins to go BUT carried on running and started to think this is longer than 8 mins - then got the prompt to tell me I had done 10 mins and was half way through!! I had selected the wrong week and then realised I was doing W5R3 :0) Soooo, I carried on and did it!!!!

So proud of myself - for all of those thinking at W3R1 and 'how am I going to run for 3 mins' well that was me too! Keep going, keep trying and you will do it.

9 Replies

Blimey oh Riley, well done you skipping a week and moving on. So the big conundrum, do you stay in Week 5 and do run 3 again (personally I don't see why you would given it looks like you smashed it). Just shows doesn't it, sometimes you don't know you're fully equipped and then you find you are. Brilliant stuff

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Brilliant! Just shows how much of this running lark is just mind games. I am so pleased for you - you thought you couldn't run 8 mins and end up doing 20!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Oh dear must have been that early start and your keeness to tackle that problem run😉

Going back to Week 4 where you felt comfortable, and doing some repeats will have helped you gain stamina...that must have been quite a surprise when you were expecting to do 2 x 8 😊😅

You knuckled down and did it though, well done you...

Its up to you now as Wk5 R3 has been done... you can either do R2 next just to see what you missed, or move onto Week 6...

I think I would do the 2 x 8 for my own satisfaction, its good practise , a run is a run and you've just done the biggie😄 then move onto Wk6.

I bet you check your phone before you start running in future...

Mummycav profile image

Brilliant!!!!!! That's made me proper smile!!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Self belief or self delusion work every time!!!

Well done!!

Oldfloss profile image

That is one way of doing it! Brilliant! well done:)

Maybe your unconscious has tricked you in to accepting that you are better than you think you are (obscure, I know) :)

misswobble profile image

Ha ha 😁 A collective cry of "it only goes to show ...." 💪🏃‍♀️✔️👍

Thanks for all the comments. Going to go straight to W6R1. I have started going to the gym on my no run days and I think that has helped. Celebrated by buying my self some new running clothes!

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