My second Parkrun today. Not having one particular Parkrun right on my doorstep but having loads within about 20 miles, I tried a different one today - Eastbourne. Similar to Hove Prom in that it's pretty flat but a completely different setting and running surface. Last week I completed Hove Prom in 39.37 but I went out too fast and had to walk some of it. This week I was very quickly second to last but I maintained my slow and steady shuffle and gradually started to overtake people. My aim was really just to run for at least 30 minutes, having only graduated a week ago. At 20 minutes I had a strong feeling I would make it to 30 minutes. At 30 minutes I thought I could keep going for a bit longer. Thanks to the amazing marshals, I only managed to run the whole thing didn't I?!!!! With about 800m to go you have to run past the finish line and you start mingling with runners who have finished and are going home. Then a miracle happened. One of the super fast runners ran back onto the path and ran with me for 200 metres or so to encourage me to keep running. He did. As did the next three marshals and somehow I did it! I was slower than last week - 41.22 - but I couldn't care less. I ran the whole thing even though the wet grass which makes up about 20% of the circuit totally sapped the energy out of my legs. So, to those yet to graduate, listen to Oldfloss when she says "slow and steady" - she knows what she's talking about!
Well, well, well.....slow and steady - it has ... - Couch to 5K
Well, well, well.....slow and steady - it has a lot to answer for!

Brilliant run well done🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️

I so love the supportive atmosphere at Park Run! My local run is a 2 lap circuit of a park, and I was well chuffed today to only be lapped by about 15 runners before I started my second lap!! Some of the earlier finishers stayed to cheer on the "steady" people. A new PB for me today on this route, so I am buzzing.
I did find it quite demoralising last week to be lapped by so many runners. This week was just one big circuit so I didn't have that problem. I don't know who came up with the Parkrun concept but what a concept it is. I wanted to cry when the super fast guy ran with for 200 metres! Well done on you new PB!

Fantastic! Well done! 😀😀😀

Wow, Rebecca..just love this post. 😊...
Compared to how you were feeling at W9 R2... 😆
So happy for you that your running has become so enjoyable for you (obviously not a doddle, but achievable and satisfying)...
Good for you for running the whole 5k...that shows real determination.💪
This c25k plan is great isn't it.🏃🏆
C25K is amazing and I tell anyone who will listen about it!!!!! I don't ever want my running to be a doddle - because if it does, I'm not pushing myself enough - but today was comfortable. I was so slow though!
Found myself looking up my local Parkrun course this afternoon. It is 3 laps but is flat..and the slowest person was 53 mins...
Haven't printed out a barcode yet..but the idea is growing...😉
See what you have done😆xx
Which is your local run Jan? I promise you, you won't regret it. Where else would you get the super fast runners running with a shuffler like me to give me that extra bit of energy to complete the run? Go! I'm just gutted that they're only once a week!

I think I detect some satisfaction, lady?
Well done.
You do! I actually enjoyed it! I really liked this run - it's one big circuit so I didn't have the demoralising experience of being lapped over and over which happened last week. The nature of the circuit means you can't see the rest of the runners a lot of the time so it's easier to run your own race (although I definitely wasn't racing but you know what I mean). It was cooler than last week and there were shady areas too. Think I'll do this one again next week, especially as the running surface is much kinder on my decrepit body than tarmac.

Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself today and have to say slow and steady is currently the only pace I have lol

Amazing, I only started the program last week, I'm really impressed with the posts people like you put on, well done, keep posting.
Thanks Martin! The last week of the programme was very tough for me - very tough. Not physically but mentally - I allowed the gremlins to convince me I couldn't do it when I certainly could - and eventually did. I stopped enjoying running yet desperately wanted to graduate, having come so far. The support from people on this forum was amazing and drove me forwards. It's important to me that I pay it forwards and encourage the newer members. If I can complete the programme - even though it took me longer than nine weeks - then anyone can. Look forward to reading about your progress!

Running a Parkrun non stop for the first time is such a great feeling of achievement - well done!!!
It was definitely a shuffle rather than a run but overtaking people who didn't subsequently overtake me back (as happened at Hove Prom) is great. I'm not belittling what those runners achieved for one second but yes, it's a great sense of achievement! I ran for 41 minutes! I NEVER would have believed I could do that four months ago!
Well done Rebecca. It's really lovely to read about your success. Keep up the good work. And keep posting!

Yay! Well done you!! It's so good to be involved in a sport where the people aren't all snobby & elitist and actually encourage you! My local park run is very friendly but has some super fast runners so although my PB is about 34mins, I'm still near the bottom on the results chart which is a bit frustrating but I remind myself that it's about me & what I can achieve not others. Wishing you many more happy parkruns!!
I know what I'm doing on a Saturday morning for the rest of my life! I would be so happy to have a PB of 34 minutes - well done! I'll get there one day - maybe! I have never experienced anything like a Parkrun before. There are clearly those who, from the very start, sprint off and for whom the run is clearly just about finishing before the majority of us have barely completed 2k. What do they really get out of those runs? For me, it's about the friendliness, the amazing volunteers, the beautiful settings and the comaraderie and inclusivity. It's about the smiles and the achievement of finishing. I love them!

My sentiments entirely!
Brilliantly done and a fab reminder that progress continues and let's be honest, wet grass is like running through treacle... your pic is glorious you look so happy and proud. Who cares you were slower - you were running through treacle, and I haven't read anything on this forum that gives you tips for that!
Thank you Jan! I still don't know how I did it! Now, Hove Prom was a glorious run but there were a few things that didn't work for me - being lapped, constantly being able to see where you had to get to (it's a dead straight out and back x 2)........Eastbourne was different - a winding route around some lakes. It means you can focus on a point far enough away to make it an achievement to reach it but not so far as to seem impossible. And when the super fast guy ran with me - AMAZING!!!! Parkruns are the best!
Super fast guy - now there's a name to conjure up some inspiration.... how lovely that it's a supportive atmosphere and it helped you do what you wanted to. I agree with you on routes, when you get lapped it's just horrid. I tried once on a walkers/running in track in our nearest town here. It was like being Nellie the Elephant, with Mo Farah and Usain Bolt types zooming past. It was almost 'let's set fire to my running kit' demoralising....