I just ran 30 mins for the 2nd time (W9 R2). I have lost 2.5 stone but still have lots to go! I started running wk 1, after dark, on snickets, in a duffel coat! 11 weeks ago!! I can't believe I am doing this, a 41 year old fat mum! Started this because my 4 year old asked why his mummy was round!! only managed 4.2 km but - better to be slow than on the couch!! Can't wait to complete the program!!
Fat, slow and still going!: I just ran 30 mins... - Couch to 5K
Fat, slow and still going!

Well you are faster than me!!!
Well done. Looking forward to the graduation party π

Brilliant... very well done... the bunting, the champagne and the party poppers are out there.. the Podium is up and your badge is polished! We will be waiting
Forget distance.... just keep it slow and steady! Looking forward to your Graduation post... and party!

Nearly there!!! Super job πββοΈ

Fantastic- well done xx

Out of the mouths of babes! Well done on your weight loss, and fantastic that you are nearing graduation.
Go you!!!!
I'm a fat mum too lol
I've only lost 6lbs but my shape has definitely changed!!
I can't run fast but I managed my first 20min run without stopping 2 days ago such a fab feeling!!
Hoping I can make it as far as you!
I start week 6 today!!!
You can, I promise!!! trust the program. 30 mins is only a bit further than 20!! That's what I keep trying to tell myself.
You are doing brilliantly and my weight loss really kicked in 3 or 4 weeks ago so keep going it will come!
Good luckxx

I was a "bad boy" and ran for over 30 minutes last week (got told off on the forum!), so I now know I can do it, but I'm back to being good again and off for my W8R1 today, so a bit behind you. Like you I've lost over 2 stone and also still have more to go. It's taken me since December 2016 to get this far, so you are doing FABULOUSLY!! You sound speedy to me ...
I think you are doing amazing.
How inspiring! Well done x

Lovely post - can't wait to read that you have graduated.
That's speedy! I wasn't even at 4K at graduation. It will be a fantastic feeling and well done you! Slim trim Mum now !
Well done- it's people like you that inspire people like me (just done W2R3) Becoming a "runner" still feels a long way off at the moment and you are already there π

Well done πWhat an achievement! πππ

Go girl, you are on a winner

Trust the program- It is amazing. Remember, starting the program is the biggest challenge- You can do it!