Do being fat and slow go hand in hand? - Couch to 5K

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Do being fat and slow go hand in hand?

N3llyB profile image
25 Replies

Ok I'm gonna annoy myself here and say that, despite running for 30 minutes, I'm a bit disheartened by how slow I am! This isn't a flat area but come on! This is nowhere near 5k! Shall I just persist with the 30 minute runs til I get further?! Ps. I do have a BMI of about 40 - that's probably a major factor! Hopefully as I lose weight (I've lost about 10lbs since starting c25k) I'll get faster...surely?! The worst of it is I FELT faster today and was sure my pace would be under 9 but nope. WHY DO I HAVE TO PICK HOLES! WHY CAN'T I BE PROUD OF MYSELF!!!

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N3llyB profile image
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25 Replies
Mummycav profile image

Because N3llyB you are like all of us...we all have crappy runs, we all imagine we’ve run faster than ever before, we all think of reasons why we’re maybe not cut out to be a runner whether it’s weight, shape, lifestyle, job...I could go on...but you ARE a runner! You run, doesn’t matter how far or how you continue to run, you will prob lose more weight but your fitness will improve along with so many other things, one of the main things being your confidence...please don’t be too hard on yourself...instead, be extremely proud of can run for 30 minutes, bet you never thought you’d ever be able to do that did you? Stick with the 30 minutes and, like I said, you will see so many changes in yourself....all for the better I promise 😊😊😊😉

Rainn1 profile image

Well done for running for 30 minutes non stop, that’s an amazing achievement and you should be so so proud of yourself. My BMI is around the same as yours and I relate completely to how you feel. When I graduate I’m going to focus on running 5k, however long it takes me and however slow I am. Then I’m just going to keep doing it over and over until my time starts to come down. I bet you didn’t expect 9 weeks ago to be able to run for 30 minutes? I know I didn’t. Don’t beat yourself up, you deserve to feel proud and happy with your progress and congratulate yourself for such an achievement.

f1madman profile image

Nelly, you're fitter than me mate! Don't worry about the 5k, the 5k is just marketing. The fact you're running 30 minutes is the real achievement. And you felt fast and enjoyed it right? Chase that feeling not speed, I'm refraining from using strava as I know I'm slow af!

UnfitNoMore profile image

Well, we can be proud of you... as I’m sure we all are. Great job on the run... it’s all about those minutes.

Yes, your BMI isn’t helping, but you’re getting through the runs... and the weight is moving both in the right direction and at a sensible, sustainable rate. What you’re doing will see you hit all your goals, in a safe sustainable way. I was a long way behind a guy twice my size on my HM last November... couldn’t catch him, he’d long gone by the time I’d finished... I really wanted to shake his hand (which was still allowed back then 🤣) He opened my eyes a little as to just what we are capable of. Of course he may have been running for years... so had many advantages in his locker.

Take a look around you next time you’re out and about... most of the people you see can’t run for 10 minutes non-stop... most don’t do enough exercise to be fit and healthy... there’s plenty of healthy looking people who are anything but. I know this because 2 years ago bending over to pick up socks had me sweating and out of breath... stairs were a challenge... I could see the time ticking away. Like you, I decided it was time to change things... and like you, I discovered that while the plan was great, everything didn’t change overnight... it all takes time. The combination of patience and determination is unstoppable. I read this last year... a woman who’s first 5k took her 90 minutes. After having to search for an event that she could complete before the organisers went home, she became the heaviest woman to complete a marathon. She’s probably fitter and healthier than I am... and I’m sure she’ll hit her weight goals in good time, while not letting her weight stop her doing what she wants to in the meantime. An inspirational lady.

We are all our own harshest critics. Be proud of yourself... you’re truly amazing... reading your post I think you may be the only one here who can’t see it... but you will.

Happy running.

N3llyB profile image
N3llyBGraduate in reply to UnfitNoMore

Wow! That's amazing! Inspirational!!

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to N3llyB

As are you when people just like you see you run... keep up the good work.

IannodaTruffe profile image

If I strapped on a rucksack with a couple of stones of weight on my back, then I doubt if I could run at all, so of course your weight is holding you back.

You are doing 30 minute runs......have you finished C25k?

If you have, then the recommendation is that you don't try to beat your pb on every run, but spend 70-80% of your running time at an easy conversational pace, to continue building stamina.

We all have to accept that our current maximum pace is our current maximum pace and if we want to improve it, create a plan to improve it..........but that doesn't mean trying to get faster on every run.

N3llyB profile image
N3llyBGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

I've just done run2 of week 9 so I have one more run to go. I am a bit anxious in a way, a "what now" sort of feeling! Will definitely look on here for what to do once I graduate (can't even belive I'm saying that!) I used to read on here weeks ago people at this stage and think wow imagine being them!

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to N3llyB

When you announce your graduation I will send you a link to a guide to post C25k running.

If you cannot wait, it is sitting in the FAQ Posts, which you will find in the Pinned Posts.

Speedy60 profile image

You're running hills on couch to 5k! Hills! I'm only just getting to grips with hills. Hate them!

Be kind to yourself. You are genuinely doing brilliantly. There are so many folk out there who can't do a fraction of what you're doing. You are an inspiration!

Happy running🏃‍♀️ 👊

Fatty2001 profile image
Fatty2001 in reply to Speedy60

My route is deliberately flat. I’m not ready for hills yet! 😂

N3llyB profile image
N3llyBGraduate in reply to Speedy60

Can't avoid them round here! Sometimes I wonder if I'm going backwards 😂😂

HappyNoodle profile image

Congratulations on your 30 minute runs! 👏🏻😍🏃🏻‍♀️👏🏻 the more you do it the better you get. I’d stick to your 30 minute runs for now. Laura also does speed and stamina training runs on podcast. Maybe try those if you really feel you need to speed up. But be careful with yourself. You are amazing 30 mins is no mean feat regardless of how far you get!

I’m trying to run slow to make sure I don’t injure myself. I am redoing the whole plan because I injured myself last time trying to go too fast. It’s taken two years to get back to it.

N3llyB profile image
N3llyBGraduate in reply to HappyNoodle

Interesting! About 6 years ago I overdid it training for a bleep test and got horrendous shin splints. Today I felt a twinge and thought oh please no!! So you're totally right. Slow and steady wins the race. I don't want to injure myself when, let's face it, I'm more likely to as a heavier person! Very good point happynoodle!!

HappyNoodle profile image
HappyNoodleGraduate in reply to N3llyB

Hey, let’s face it. You are smashing it!! 😍

Doesn't matter how slow you are!

Main thing is that you have tried your best and there's nothing more you can do than that.

SmilelikeImeanIt profile image

Hi N3llyB you’ve had some great replies on here already. I’m also just one last run to go before graduation and I’m slightly behind you on pace and distance.

(And yesterday’s run felt faster but turned out it wasn’t 😬)

But in January I couldn’t run for more than 45 seconds without needing to stop. 30 mins is amazing (for both of us)!

Sadly I’ve not been losing weight though - wish I had!

Keep it up, don’t obsess about pace, and keep running. I feel like I’ll keep on using the app after graduation. I like the encouragement from Sarah.

Finish line ahead - go for it!

N3llyB profile image
N3llyBGraduate in reply to SmilelikeImeanIt

That's great, we're so close now!! I do feel a bit nervous about finishing, I haven't actually read up on 'what next' because I didn't want to jinx myself or tempt fate as daft as that sounds! I've had sarah since about week 3 and can't face changing now, I feel like she understands 😂 I've never really accomplished anything fitness wise in my entire life so I can't wait for tomorrow now!

Lula375 profile image
Lula375Graduate in reply to SmilelikeImeanIt

I haven’t lost weight either, but I have lost a few inches. I’ve just reached a point where I’m starting to notice muscles hiding under the insulation on my legs! However, the scales say I’m exactly the same as when I started!

N3llyB profile image
N3llyBGraduate in reply to Lula375

Weirdly my arms feel more toned, wish I'd measured myself that's a good idea. I'm more bothered about being fitter, then I think the weight loss will follow more easily. Especially with whats going on at the moment, I want to be healthier and fitter in general, if I'd done a diet and no running I doubt I'd be anywhere as "healthy" as I am now, even if id lost a couple of stone. If that makes sense!!

SmilelikeImeanIt profile image
SmilelikeImeanItGraduate in reply to Lula375

Yes same here. Generally feel more toned but muscle weighs more than fat!

Guru10 profile image


I think your distance covered is absolutely spot on when all things considered.

The positive changes to your health, body will be incredible if you keep this up 3 times a week for the foreseeable future.

It’s natural for us to compare, mentally beat ourselves up, look for the negatives.

I see your commitment as inspirational.

Stay positive. You are smashing this. 👏👏.

davelinks profile image

It's simply this, don't worry about anything.. especially speed and distance, you're now running for 30 mins, that's great in itself, you will improve, but it doesn't happen overnight, just keep on doing what you're doing..

Just concentrate on the running, never mind about the distance and speed.. Slow is good for building strength.

You are doing it, enjoy it!

Jell6 profile image

Only compare you to you. Could you do this run 26 runs ago? No?


You are doing a great job, be pleased, be proud.

As Theodore Roosevelt said "Comparison is the thief of joy ".

Whenever I see overweight people running I always feel impressed by them. You are having to work so much harder.

One more to go🤗

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