Week 6 run 3 and I did it but the title of this post says everything. The second half was a hard slog and eight times I slowed right down for five seconds and then started going slightly faster than snails pace but I'm talking it as I've completed the twenty five run even though I slowed to a tortoise style jog!!! Not sure how but this red faced beetroot did it
Goosed Drownt rat sweaty red faced beetroot - Couch to 5K
Goosed Drownt rat sweaty red faced beetroot

Yeay!!!! Beetroots Rule!!!!!
Go you..very, very well done...Slow is amazing.... best pace ever..it gets us to where we want to be.. safely!
You are getting so close now...
very well done
It doesn't matter how you did it, it doesn't matter how you look
It doesn't get better than that

It does, when they run 28 minutes !
I thought whether I should say that but then I thought; Running 3 minutes was great, running 5 was fab, running 10 was terrific, 20 was amazing- but Week 6 run 3 and week 7 have definitely been my favourite
I just ran 30; it was marvellous*
*but nearly killed me again!

It was a bit of an obvious comment yes! but it's also part of the plan , each step does seem to get more enjoyable , just like climbing a hill or a mountain. I wonder if people get a bit lost after finishing the plan? I don't think I would go on to 10k.
Week6 Run3 was a big deal for me , and Week 6 Run1 was the hardest (as others have found)
I'm about to do week 7 so glad to hear that its enjoyable , looks a bit like 'hard work' to me, but it's clearly going to build up endurance. Well done for running 30 minutes, it doesn't get better than that. :o)
and you got goosed into the bargain!?! blimey.
Yes... what was that... I missed the bit where that happened!!! And why has it never happened to me on my runs ????

Wot no photo??
I did it today too. Staggered back into house, son texted to say he missed school bus home could I go pick him up( his test over ran). Grabbed car keys and just at that moment daughter pulled up in new boyfriends car on driveway.
He finally got to meet her beetroot faced, sweaty, drowned rat mother. Do you think he was impressed? I don't care! I ran for 25 minutes😀😀😀😀🐢😀😀😀😀
Hahaha...and well done you!!! 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️
I got back and walked past the window and laughed at myself. I was going to take a selfie and send it to my sister but she would've rolled about the floor all day laughing getting no work done. I walked in and my 23 year son with severe autism even laughed...I laughed back and said I'm goosed, I'm sweaty and wet but I RAN 25 minutes
Keep it up 😊
You did it!! Who cares if you felt like a Goosed Drownt rat sweaty red faced beetroot?? You're a Goosed Drownt rat sweaty red faced beetroot that did it!! Congrats! 👍😃