About to do my first run. I wanted to do this ages ago but I've never had the confidence - I'd rather run where nobody can see me. Anybody else had that problem - worrying about what people think of them when they're running? How did you get over it?
First Run Nerves!: About to do my first run. I... - Couch to 5K
First Run Nerves!

I'd say pretty much everyone feels that way. I went out very early morning for the same reason and was gutted to see how many people were around (my route is along a pretty busy road).
I'm coming to the realisation that no one is looking. In the last couple of weeks I've spotted loads of runners around and thought everyone must have suddenly started until my husband pointed out that I'm only noticing them because I'm doing it too!
Anyway, once I start running, I'm too busy trying to make it to the end of the run without keeling over to worry about anything!
Good luck with your first run - I really believe that the hardest part is stepping out of the door for the first time (I put it off for days on end) and it can only get better from there!
I had exactly the same thing. I think it's natural to put that on other people, but the reality is that they probably don't care... i'm on week 6 now and I can safely say that I barely notice anyone anymore, except when I have to jog around them!
This is one of those topics that comes up again and again. It seems like it's a particular breed of gremlin for new runners. First, you are doing something about your health. Second, people might look at you with admiration for that. Third, do you stare and scoff at runners - I don't know anyone that does.
Start at a quiet time of day (although when I did this, my neighbour drove around the block because he couldn't believe that he had just seen ME RUNNING; he was impressed though!), put your chin up and concentrate on the run.
You can do this; let us know how you get on

Definitely been there. Just want to add
1. just because they look like a "running pro", they have the gear etc they are not necessarily any better than you ( over-compensation?) You can't see who has Laura in their ears and that's what really counts!
2. If you are worried about them seeing you out of breath ( I always am), just remember, they don't know you've just come out, you could have been running for an hour or more!!
You don't need to be great to start, but you do need to start to be great!!
Get out there and report back soon. Run slow and flat ( don't waste time bouncing up and down)
Welcome to the best forum on the web🐢🏃🏼♀️🐢🏃🏼♀️🐢😀👍🏼🏃🏼♀️🐢😀👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Over a month ago I completed the first run and then stopped. I did the run at about 5am before work, partly thinking it would be a good start to the day but probably mainly because I didn't want people to see me. Today I did the first run again and I intend to continue with the programme this time! Today I ran in a small secluded park and just did laps. It was nice to run on grass rather than concrete and no one was there to see my purple face. I think once we get used to running and it feels more normal we won't mind people seeing us doing it any more. That's what I'm hoping for anyway!
I think what others have said is right. Just think of how much (or little) attention you pay to runners and how often you see anyone watching them or commenting. If I ever think anything when I see people out running it's usually that I admire them and wish I was doing the same.
Good luck! 🍀 😀 We can do this.
I always run early morning when there are less people about but actually no one takes any notice of you. There are so many people that run nowadays so why would anyone take notice of us?! I didn't realise my neighbour had seen me a few times but he asked me all about it the other day and said that I had inspired him to give it a try!
How did the first run go then? Rachel97

Once you get out there you will notice people dashing from bush to bush, wearing dark glasses and hats so that they can't be recognised and people looking way too red in the face to have just been walking their dogs. Furtive runners are everywhere. Come and join us and you will also learn that nobody even notices you.
If you need persuasion, go to watch your local parkrun on a Saturday morning, where you will see runners of all ages, shapes, weights and sizes stretching lycra in ways you could never imagine and all having a wonderful time.
Come on out...it's lovely out here!!!
Hey , I am on w6 r1 and felt exactly the same as you. I promise you here and now this feeling will pass . I started off running either early morning or late nights so I knew I wouldn't bump into anyone but then soon enough as the fitness improved and I became more confident I became braver and ventured out to where all the alive People where around lol ... you will get there but just do it in your own pace and own time good luck your going to be great xx
Thanks everyone - glad to know it's not just me that felt that way. It went surprisingly well! And I wasn't half as exhausted as I though I'd be!
Hi I too am a newbie just done w2r2. Like you I have hidden so too speak but the last two runs I did from where my caravan is sited so had no choice but to return purple faced. What a reception I had. So many positive comments that it made me feel really proud of myself so not so worried now. Good luck x.

Luckily as a swimmer I have got over the "are they thinking what is that fat lady doing here?" worry. However I can swim well (not too much of a boast as did the Wales Iron Man swim course last year). I have seen other large ladies run in the park and my thoughts are "good for you" but not felt I could do it myself. I started this as I don't even know HOW to run.
Yesterday, I did my first run (think it was running). I went to the park as it seemed the logical place. I "ran" into two people I know (school helpers with a group of children), they looked surprised but encouraging. And the British Military training guy smiled
So if anyone does happen to notice you, they are more likely to be thinking good things not bad. I am glad I got out there and started.
(But take water, I forgot mine and needed it.)