Hi everyone I just started on week 1 and just done my second run, can feel my legs starting to hurt a bit can someone please tell me this is going to work and it's worth it all
Just started : Hi everyone I just started on... - Couch to 5K
Just started

It does work I am now on week 5 run 2 done tonight which was 2 x 8 minute runs never thought I could do that on week one so stick at it and do stretches.

I found those early weeks really hard. Rest assured, it gets easier as the runs get a bit longer and soon you'll be running more than walking and will be so proud of how far you've come.
I'm currently on Week 6 but, to be honest, this week has been the hardest yet but this seems to be because of the walk breaks. I now find it easier to keep running than to keep stopping. Never thought I'd say that on Week 1!!!
Well done for getting that far I just hope I be the same when I get that far, how do you cope and run with your legs hurting all the time
They're not too bad now but if they do start to hurt I slow down a bit but continue to plod through!!!
So which week is the hardest you think?
I'd say this week (6). But I'd have said that for whatever week I was on!!!
And I was hoping you say week 1 then it gets easier lol
To be fair - I was a mess at week 1!!! Every week since has been easier as I've been getting fitter but this week is not fun for me!! Am actually looking forward to next run when I won't have to do the walks. They actually make running harder now!!
Well done for getting this far, can I ask how old you are and how out of shape before you started because I am really really out of shape
Sure. I'm 42 and overweight. I used to run a bit but was very slow, stopped as soon as the weather got bad (!!!!) and hadn't run for over a year.
I am 37 11stone and very unfit hoping I can do this and sort myself out
im 55 and was 18.5st when i started on wk1 ive now got the last run of wk 7 to do . got weighed at clinic today and was 17st .aiming for 13st , if i can do it so can you . sheer bloodimindeness will be required at times . take every run slower than you think possible , its all about building up to 30 minutes or 6 blocks of 5 minutes running forget about speed . just read some of my updates ,ups and downs and their replies , you will see these peope are supportive and their advice will get you through, cos theyve all been through it as well.
I am 62. Was 11st 4lbs last summer. Now 9st 6lbs and running 30 minutes 3 times a week + have done a couple of 5k organised runs ! Felt blobby and unfit and now feel great! I never thought I would change. C25k and MyNetDiary has helped me to do it.

It will and it is
Which week you on?
3 yrs in and still workin' it baby!
Oh wow well done you that's amazing, how many times you run in a week now ?

It will..it is.. and no, you "mustn't be mad"... you just have to want to do this...
Slow and steady is the only way... listen to your body.. which is going to complain at all the new strains and stresses... follow the programme, take your rest days and keep posting!
We have been there and survived, stronger, mentally and physically... so... run 3.... as slow as you like. and post your success

yes it is going to work and depending how bad you want it, it will be worth it
nuff zed

Oh, it's definitely worth it! And it definitely works, but it doesn't really get any easier because you push yourself further as you improve. If you're hurting you're probably trying to go too fast. Slow down. If necessary take more than one rest day. Your muscles need to build up, you don't want to overdo it at the beginning and get an injury. If you stick with it there are enormous advantages and benefits. And you will!😎

Hi. It is going to work and it is definitely worth it. :-). When I started it was such a struggle to run 1 minute but the programme works - follow it and repeat a day if you need to. My legs ached more in first week than any other - think they were just protesting! I have just started week 6 - I have got this far and it feels so good. Keep going x
learning to love the delicious ache of taxed muscles is all part of the fun. Admittedly it is less fun at the beginning when joints and bones and tendons and everything is rebelling at the sudden shock of getting back to work, but that doesn't last long. Everything adapts as long as you go at it slowly but steadily.
Muscle ache can be forever though, if you work at it. I can barely lift my arms above shoulder level this morning and almost wept getting the porridge bowls off the shelf at breakfast this morning. So Leg Day today then.