It's been a crazy few weeks for life in general but I've managed to keep to running 2 - 3 times a week since graduation. However they have continued to be a mix of bad, rubbish and okish runs at least until today.
I wont regale all the ups and downs apart from my run last Wednesday. I felt good, it was mid morning and I wanted to go out, planning a 30 minute run. However after the warm up walk I trotted off and almost at once felt like I was in treacle! I managed 5 minutes running before I had to walk to recover! It only took a couple of minutes and I felt I could try again, and so I did. The same thing happened and again I only managed 5 minutes before I had to go back to a walk feeling dejected and fed up I thought to myself that I had lost it, I'd lost the ability to run! and so I decided to head home. Once I'd recovered, again just a couple of minutes, I thought to myself that the quickest way to get home was to run. So off I headed and this time it felt better!! so much so that although I headed in the homeward direction I took a slight detour up a road, then when I got to my turning I carried on and eventually ran for 20 minutes. I don't know what the difference was, maybe speed? maybe terrain? who knows but I felt a bit better than at the start of the outing.
Then today I decided to run this afternoon, it had just started to rain so it was nice and refreshing, and it was the best run I've had in a couple of weeks. 30 minutes non stop plus a little extra as I felt good
The moral of this story is ' if at first you don't succeed ...' well you know the rest.
On Tuesday when I'm next out I hope to emulate this run and get into a groove. Laura kept me company today and I think she might come out a few more times too. Once I can nail this part I hope to be able to extend my running time a little further.