I only tend to do parkrun once a month, and it tends to have to be put in the diary in advance. So out I turned this morning, heading for Erddig, and thinking "Ho hum...." as the light drizzle seemed to get a bit heavier as I approached Wrexham.
While it wasn't quite the mudbath of the previous time I did it, it was quite muddy in parts (a good excuse for a couple of short - 30 second or so - walk breaks!) and I had another problem: my glasses were getting wet! Now, I'm quite short sighted - my ahem "good" eye is about -5... nevertheless, I found it easier after a while to whip the specs off and hold them in my hand as I ran on, with Laura encouraging me (I had my custom 35 min version of Stepping Stone on). They only went on again when I reached the forest trail section, where I needed to be able to see the tree roots!
The Erddig Parkrun finishes with a fairly steep section in the last half km, I got further than usual up it before having to stop and walk, but by this point I knew I was already well on for a PB - previous best 38:02. Sure enough, I've got home to a message saying that my official time is 36:53 - with which I am well pleased!
To anyone reading this and thinking "can I do it?" - I started Couch to 5K 11 months ago, having never really run any sort of distance since trailing in at the end of the school Cross Country almost 30 years before. I was (and still am) in the Obese section on BMI. Take it slow and steady, and yes you can do it!