Success this week as I completed the whole 9 weeks!! OK, so it took a bit longer than 9 weeks. I started last August, but damaged my poor old knees, so had to wait for them to heal. Then started again in October wearing lovely neoprene knee supports and 'speed walking' instead of running for some of the time. This system worked and I was able to phase out the speed walking and my knees stood up the running. I had a bit of break over Christmas (catering for 14 family members over a 5 day period left me with little time for running) and then went on holiday in January. I hit the road again mid January, but had to backtrack a couple of weeks to week 5 as my fitness levels had dipped. Amazing how quickly that happens. Anyway, this week I managed three runs of 30 minutes, about 4.5 K, so a little way to go to get the 5 K.
Any ideas on where to go next? are there any good apps to take you up to 10 K? I have a notion that I may run a half marathon next year - or is this too ambitious?
Any thoughts very welcome.