Sigh...moan....cough.....ouch: Still on the... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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MotherPip profile image
12 Replies

Still on the Injury Couch in sick bay... Haven't done any exercise since my last run on 11/01 and i came down with what I hoped would be a simple head cold/cough but has continued to keep me in sick bay. I have at least started to feel human again. I was going to try go for a short walk this Thursday but felt lousy still so stayed in sick bay... but yesterday, Friday I felt not too bad (apart from the grotty chest and cough and decided to get the car out and drive to the library and return some books and then go to the shop.

Well as I got into the car I felt a bit of an ache in my back...and by the time I got in I was reduced to a slow hobble. i think this has been set off by my coughing...though I am no stranger to back issues unfortunately.

It is so frustrating as don't know when I'll get out for a run...I still have week 2 to complete from last week and just feel it's been so long I won't progress from there I might have to revert to week 1. The only plus is that I was off my food and have managed to lose a few pounds and keep them off even though my appetite has returned.

Ironically, we are getting ParkRun here in my town which is great news and I hope it is well supported when it starts next month. I think even my sister and her daughter are coming for the inaugural event too.

I had thought I might do sister says a lot of people do a mix of jogging and walking and take it easy.

If I hadn't been crocked and had been well, do people think that the C25K programme should be done before attempting a ParkRun or would it be ok to do it just walking jogging intermittently like on the programme? (and stopping if struggling)

Stay healthy those that haven't been lurgified yet! And get well soon if you are currently suffering.

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MotherPip profile image
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12 Replies
turnturtle profile image

I would think a Parkrun is a good thing to aim for. You don't have to be fast -in fact I wouldn't recommend you try and run it. Why not do one of the week one C25K runs again and then walk whatever remains when Laura finishes talking? It will give you a time to try and beat the next time you do Park run and will get you back into the programme. Even if you walked the whole way, you are unlikely to be alone. I was the tail runner at Parkrun yesterday and it took the couple walking with their dog at the back 55 minutes and everyone cheered when they finished!

ANewMe2022 profile image

I have back pain too. I've been doing the Pilates for back pain on the NHS Choices website. Seems to be working for me...xx

Oldfloss profile image

Poor you.. I really do empathise... I have the lurgy, as you know, currently :( , as have many of us. Last year at this time loads of us were laid low.. and it seemed to drag on until we had sunshine!

You have had a rough time and being sensible about it too. You probably have strained some muscles with your cough, but if you re used to back issues, you probably know what to do :)

The park, run, I do know many people aim for, but also do have a go before Graduation, and like you think, they will just check it out, wander round and stop if necessary :)

Feel better soon and maybe plot that route.. :)

Madge50 profile image

Hi there, lurgy aside, parkrun is for everyone, there is no pre requisite to joining in. Doesn't matter if you walk, jog or run, many have used it as one of the weekly C25K 'runs' during the programme. There will be a real mix of people, it expects nothing of you other than, go along and join in.

It is all run by volunteers, so if you don't feel like it, why not have a go at volunteering? That way you will get to see exactly how it works. The volunteers are truly the hero's of parkrun.

I love parkrun, you will get hooked! 😄 And as for being able to support the very first in your area, that would be great - oh and afterwards there is often cake.........what's not to like.....😄

Do it, do it, do it, do it.....!



MotherPip profile image
MotherPipGraduate in reply to Madge50

Oh yes we have an art deco cafe in the grounds with scrumptious cakes and food and they are going in there for coffee afterwards 😁

Pc59 profile image

Wonderful advice as always i keep putting parkrun off because i want to be able to run the whole way but i think its time to change my mindset & just go!!!!! Even if i have to walk some of it!!! 😊

imreez profile image

Aim for the park run! I have had a few attempts at c25k and have stopped for a while for coughs and colds and never got going. This time I have got to week 9 and the difference is that I had signed up for a 5k in week 7. I walked quite a lot but I wasn't last - lots of people walking

SlowWorm2016 profile image

I hope that cold shifts itself soon and that you will get back to full health. I find that inhaling steam helps to clear my tubes and usually sees a cough off, if you haven't already tried that.

As for parkrun, I did most of my third run of whichever week I was on at parkrun. I am still very slow and see a lot of people doing run/walk intervals. So you would be fine, especially if there is a tail runner, who is a volunteer who brings up the rear, making sure that nobody gets left behind. At our parkrun the tail runners are coming in at nearly 60 minutes at the mo, so even if somebody walked the whole way fairly slowly, they would not be left behind. So I would say, give it a go, tell the tail runner that you are doing c25k, and have fun.

Joanna_d1977 profile image

On my first park run I walk/ran i looked in the route to c what I could focus on mine was either run 3 trees walk 3 trees or bins and I focused on it really helped but when I started running I did it with lampposts run 3 walk 2 etc

Like someone said tho there's always a tail runner so if you run or walk it you won't be alone

Good luck :) 👍👍

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Oooh get well soon MotherPip 😯. That cough can take weeks to shake off, so just rest up, I know it stops you from getting to sleep at night.

You can carry on with the plan when you are better, and hopefully the weather is warmer.

Take care.x😊

Sazzlex profile image

Don't be too hard on yourself at least your determined and still wanting to get out there. You've done the right thing resting up and if you do have to go back to week 1 and do one of that weeks run or all three it doesn't matter as long as your doing it and enjoying it. As for the park run, go along and see what you can manage, anything is better than nothing. Keep smiling motherpip. 😀😃

melly4012 profile image

Sorry you're feeling so rubbish. You might be able to manage Week 2 if you had a decent basic level of fitness before starting the programme - if I'm right it's actually less running overall in Week 2 than Week 1 but just for longer intervals. See how you feel, it's not setting you too far back if you want to repeat Week 1 and it might help you build your strength again. Hope you're back to it soon. :)

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