New and looking for support : Hello! My name is... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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New and looking for support

Ani347 profile image
24 Replies

Hello! My name is Ani and I'm so tired of feeling sick, fat, unhealthy and tired. My husband is super fit, runs marathons and works out all the time. And I feel so bad!!! I moved to the U.K. from the US a couple of months ago and I've turned to food to feel less lonely and lost. So I've been getting worst and worst. Anyway... I'm going to start the couch to 5k today and I would like to find people like me who struggle with all of these but wish to get better.



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Ani347 profile image
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24 Replies
mammalovesmango profile image

Hi Ani

Do it! Do the couch to 5K and you will really see he benefits. I felt much like you did some while back. I began by doing lots of walking for about 6 weeks and then did the couch to 5k. I began in August and can now run 5K and have lost 25 pounds in the process. I feel I have much more energy.

Use this forum to gain inspiration and support and before you know it you will be feeling a whole lot better.

Believe in yourself. You have taken the first step of many to come but you can do it.

Good luck !!

RainbowC profile image

You have come to absolutely the right place! Well done for making that decision to get started - let us know how you get on with the programme and we'll cheer with you when it goes well, and commiserate and encourage when needed too! ;) You could not ask for a more supportive crowd than the folks on here. We've been where you are, and we know you can do this :)

Ullyrunner profile image

Hi Ani, welcome to the forum. Many of us started from a similar position and have gone on to take more control of our health and lives through starting to run.

The programme will build you up gently and you will find plenty of friends with like minds on here.

You won't regret this!

SlowWorm2016 profile image

Hi, Ani. Welcome to the UK and I hope you will settle in and start to feel less lonely . Good for you taking your health in hand and staring on c25k. Maybe once you feel a little more confident you could look for a local running group, there are lots around that do c25k so you'd meet people doing what you're doing. Good luck, and do keep popping into the forum to let us know how you're getting on. Have a happy holiday period :) .

Millsie-J profile image

Hi Ani, welcome to the forum. This is a really great decision you have made. Have you downloaded the podcast to help on your runs?

Good luck and keep us up to date on your journey so that we can support you.

Realfoodieclub profile image

Welcome to our friendly forum. Well done on taking the first step, everyone here started the same as you, so we all understand what you are feeling right now, nervous, excited and wondering if you can do it. The answer is you can, take your time, slow and steady is our mantra on here and come back for as much support as you need. Good luck.

OndaC33 profile image

Go Ani! - we all get in a rut and sometimes need to make a change. The hardest part is getting out there - you'll be encouraged by your progress when you get going. You're in the right place for support and advice. Good Luck.

Ani347 profile image
Ani347 in reply to OndaC33

Thank you so much everybody for your support. It was exactly what I needed. I jus came back from my first run and I'm looking forward for the next one. Yay!!!

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to Ani347

Well done Ani, that was the hardest step and you nailed it😀🏃🏻‍♀️

OndaC33 profile image
OndaC33Graduate in reply to Ani347

Excellent news... now keep going with the programme, nice and steady, and enjoy. You will feel the benefit.. you are on your way. :-)

poppypug profile image

Welcome aboard Ani !

I can only echo what everyone else has said, we all felt exactly the same as you , I can vouch for that .

Really Well done for taking that first step, you wont regret it !

Keep posting so that we can support you along your way :-) xxx

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

Hello Ani and welcome :) Don't feel intimidated by your husband being super fit and running marathons. I know that is easier said than done but really running does you so much good if you can just perservere with it. I started the C25K a year ago, graduating in January and running has become so much a part of my life. It changes your shape, helps you sleep better (at least sometimes) and makes you fitter. Do you know what? The greatest thing about running is it makes you happier. Just follow the podcasts and surprise yourself. You will soon get hooked even if at times the runs can be hard. You do soon get fitter and it is so encouraging to pick up on that.

Best of luck with your plans for 2017 and I hope you settle in to life in the UK soon. Moving abroad is always a real challenge. I have done it many times and I live in Germany now which was quite hard for me at first but bit by bit you discover nooks and crannies where you feel at home or happy.

Lon70 profile image

Welcome and good luck. The hardest bit is starting and there is lots of support here for the good times and not so good times. Take it slow and steady and trust the programme. Enjoy running! I'll look forward to reading about your experiences.

Razouski profile image


I think it's brilliant that you've decided to do C25K. There are many people in here who are really supportive, and while we all have different reasons for embarking on the programme it's a fabulous virtual community. Members of the group have given me lots of encouragement and often when I'm running (even when it's not going so well) I actually think about how I will share the highs and lows in the forum.

Some of the best advice I was given was to take things slow and steady and not focus on speed or distance. It's been a gradual build up over the programme, and it took me longer than 9 weeks, but it's been so worth it.

Good luck with taking those first important steps. :-)

Flossie22 profile image

Well done for getting here! Download the great podcasts and take it slow and steady. You'll love the running (really!) and the feedback you get from people who can share in your achievements and help build you up if you are feeling down. It is the best thing you can start, it might not be easy to begin with, but if you trust in the programme and take it steady, you'll be just fine! :)

zipadeedoodah profile image

Hi Ani, I am starting today. I'm also from the USA. Following! :D

McFitty profile image

Welcome Ani, looks like you've already found a virtual running buddy in zipadeedoodah! We've all been at the beginning of the programme, wondering how it will go. For me, this forum became my second home, second family even! You'll find the best advice, people to cheer you on, cheer you up and help you through. It really is a fabulous programme and you'll never regret starting it. Come back and post often. Look forward to hearing how you get on :)

Von99 profile image

Welcome to the UK and to this very supportive forum! Looking forward to hearing of your progress. X

misswobble profile image

Well done for getting started. I hope you will follow the c25k podcasts as it will make a runner of you.. it's properly structured and it progresses you through the weeks to Graduation

I wouldn't run with your husband for some while yet. You need to go at your own pace for quite a time til you have built your running legs. If he does parkrun you could do that together once you've graduated

Have fun😊

miss_august profile image

Go Ani! You can do it! The first is the hardest. Just keep at it and you will soon start to feel much better. Everyone here will support you :)

Irish-John profile image

I moved from that side to here, am living in an isolated environment and know only too well the loneliness that leads to inaction when it comes to taking care of ourselves.

Most days I bet you feel like nobody even sees you, let alone give a damn how you're doing?

Running has become a true joy for me. Read my early posts about the genuine obstacles I thought would stop me by week three or definitely four :)

Read how I only attempted the program because I was basically bored and heartsick with nothing to really look forward to every morning.

I had lost my career - my passion - of thirty years. I had recently also lost the love of my life. The two friends I had made in this place were no longer around. One dead, one working all sorts of weird hours and recently newly married so very few times to get together and lives diverging anyway.

I was dreading - literally dreading - this Christmas. My Children go to my Outlaws in the afternoons, and to be fair they have always treated them right and put on a much better feast and big party than I am capable of - and up to this one I would go to the Job and let one of the other guys off to have the day with their family.

So - dreading being alone on Sunday and feeling sorry for myself and lonely as all heck.

Well, I'm now looking forward to a nice peaceful run that afternoon :) I'm looking forward to reading the Christmas cheer my Running friends here will be posting :) I am looking forward to remembering how low and physically yuck I was last Christmas Day and the difference this time - I look and feel a hell of a lot better :)

I might see other runners as I make my way to or back from my "Private Areana" (long story in previous post) and as always there will be a smile and maybe a "Hi" exchanged. And in that moment it will be a shared pleasure in our running :)

And as for the people on this Forum you will get to know....All I can say is that while I might run on my own, I never feel I run alone.

And that is probably the greatest Blessing that has happened to me that has come out of the wreckage of the last two years for me.

I wish you well Ani.

JuJogger profile image

Hey Ani I started today and I am following you!

Sharpey46 profile image
Sharpey46 in reply to JuJogger

I am on week three tomorrow and I am following you too. If I can do it Ani you certainly can. Good luck. We can do this. x

Ladytrier profile image

Hi Ani 😊👍

I’m new too and just started today .... it was tough but it’s done ✅ and I’m soooo glad I’ve started the program. I’m struggling with being over weight, a bit on the depressed/low mood side and just generally need to get my act together.... I’m 50 and diagnosed borderline diabetic type 2 just before Christmas 😣 so really need to up my game.

Sending you lots of encouragement and good vibes .... we can do it 👍 😁

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