W9 R2 with twinkling stars and a cheesy grin. - Couch to 5K

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W9 R2 with twinkling stars and a cheesy grin.

18 Replies

Well another 4am run and this time faster.

I decided that I had to run further in the 30 minuets than I did on Wednesday. I was blowing a little too much at the 10 min point but kept up the pace. As my distance/time improved my smile grew and eventually turned into a full blown grin from ear to ear.

To anybody considering taking up the Couch to 5K, here's a pointer as to how good it is.

20 weeks ago I weighed in at 20 stones and I'm 59 years old.

I wouldn't describe myself as a couch potato. A better description would be a sack of spud's dumped on a settee. I decided that if I didn't do something soon, I wouldn't reach a decent age and I would more than likely get type 2 diabetes or worse.

By my 60th birthday I aim to be Slim, Fit & Healthy. (160 days)

I've already lost 33 lbs and tomorrow I will complete the final run.

This site and the blogs helped me to turn my lifestyle and fitness around.

If I can do it anyone can. Give it a try, you may be pleasantly surprised.

All the best and I hope everyone had as good a run as I did.

Tomorrow is the big one.

18 Replies
Midspur profile image

Good luck for tomorrow.

I managed to get my first 30 min run in tonight and like you didn't really want to go out. Those gremlins were trying their hardest to put me off. But I did it and feel really good for it.

I started 9 weeks ago; am 57, type 2 diabetic and overweight. Since starting I've lost 1.5stone am a lot fitter, my blood glucose levels have come down meaning I now have to take less insulin. Thanks C25K!

in reply to Midspur

Good on you Midspur, It's a good feeling to complete the runs.

When you think back just 8 weeks it's fantastic.

All the best.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

That's brilliant Hidden so pleased for you. Good luck for your graduation run. ( You are taking a rest day I hope..) xx

Looking forward to hearing you whoop.

in reply to Bluebirdrunner

I'm not bothering with a rest day as tomorrow I can actually run in daylight. Yippee! I know that I can do it and I intend to go a little faster again as daylight is a lot easier to run in.

All the best x

poppypug profile image

Ah a Massive Well done on your weight loss , you are doing brilliantly !

You have really turned it around, you should be so proud of yourself

Good Luck for the Biggie, Wiggy ! :-D xxx

in reply to poppypug

If you can picture a Gazelle, dressed like a frogman and grinning like a Cheshire cat as it cavorts along the pavement on a Saturday morning. You should stop drinking so much! Lol

Thanks so much for your support.

The site is great and I intend keeping on using it after tomorrow.

All the best x

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to

Brilliant ! Ha ha :-D

Great stuff :-) xxx

Well done brilliant. I thought I was out early at 6am this morning but you 4am start is impressive ! Let us all know how you celebrate and what your cunning plan is for the future.

My plan is to try and eat less mince pies than last year ! And be good and do my 3 runs a week !

Again well done !

in reply to

Thanks for your support, theres no real difference between 4 & 6am at this time of the year. I will be posting lots more over the coming weeks.

All the best.

Flossie22 profile image

Well done you! What a great post! You must be feeling so pleased and rightly so. I am so happy for you. One more run to go and you're a graduate 🎓 congratulations! 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻👏🏻👏🏻😀😀

in reply to Flossie22

Hi Flossie22, Thanks for your support. I'm feeling great and I will no doubt wake up early for my final run. I will make a point of waiting for daylight. All the best. x

loisamelia profile image

Your post is truly inspirational. Well done to you. I am out on my graduation run tomorrow morning too, early, but not as early as you will be. See you on the other side :)

AnneDroid profile image

What a great post. My story's not so different from yours actually. And many others here. Three cheers for C25k and here's to the new us!

Three cheers for C25k. Here's to all the runners.

all the best

That is absolutely a-ma-zing! Well done and keep up the good work!

Ullyrunner profile image

Good luck - you're doing so well!

melly4012 profile image

What an inspirational post. You're so right - C25k is just the best and suitable for everyone. My last run was with the twinkling stars too (although at night not 4am!) and it was magical! Luckily I know the flat, straight path across the common well and just ran it looking up at the sky! I imagine your view was just as lovely.

Enjoy your lgraduation run! Will be looking out for your next post! :)

Von99 profile image

Fantastic! Hope your graduation run went well!

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