I feared he would turn up eventually and he has. I guess I should have taken another days rest after my first run this week (2), as I seem to have put too much stress on my left knee, and irritated an old injury. I guess I will wait it out until the swelling goes down. Might have to restart at week one!
Attack of the Gremlin!: I feared he would turn... - Couch to 5K
Attack of the Gremlin!

Oh, dear. Ice and rest, and read up on the forum to keep the motivation stoked up until your next run. I wouldn't go back to the beginning - just do the run you should have done. Depending on the old injury, maybe you should think about strapping it or supporting it in some way? I hope it feels better tomorrow.

Oh no! Rest and ice sounds like the order of the day - I'm sure you could restart at week 2 rather than go back to week 1 - but it depends how long you are out of action for. Fingers crossed it's not too long!

I would have a go at run 2 of week 2, once your knee is fine, slow and steady, but do what you feel is best for you. I can empathise. Wishing you a speedy recovery. 😊

Sorry to hear you're struggling. Yes, a few extra days rest can often be better than causing an injury. Hope it gets better soon. I don't think you'll need to restart - you should be able to go straight back to Week 2 but see how you feel when the time comes round. Perhaps you could try strength and flex exercises on rest days to strengthen your knee once it's better?

My knee put me out for over six months a few years ago, then when I got back out on the running tack of life my other knee went but I knew how to deal with it so it didn't keep me on the IC as long. I still do strengthening exercises every day. Take care of that knee, it is an important hinge!
Strengthening exercises every day is wise advice. I think you are right, I need to think long-term prevention and maintenance. As much as I would like to get back out there, I need to remember that if I run before I recover I will be delayed even longer. At least I am still learning about running even though I can't run today