I started Cto5K as I wanted to get fitter after recuperating from an illness. Both my children have run a marathon but I've never been able to run very far. My inner gremlins always telling me I couldn't do it. I was doing ok always following Laura's advice, taking it slow and steady but today I failed miserably on run 3 of week 6. Only managed 15 mins and had to stop and then started and stopped twice more. Feel gutted and now just hoping those gremlims don't overshadow my children's voices in my head saying "you can do this" Any advice on how to beat the little blighters down?
Gremlin attack: I started Cto5K as I wanted to... - Couch to 5K
Gremlin attack

Yes! You can! There's no such word as fail on here! We've all had gremlins and a bad run while doing c25k, so fight through those gremlins! Always make sure you're well hydrated, you've done great so far, don't let bad voices in your head pull you down, they do subside as you become a more confident runner, now get out there and carry on!...😊

My advice is to go slower now you have got to those longer runs. That will help your breathing and in turn give you the confidence to carry on. Remember the gremlins are just in your head and you can do this. Try it again, slower, making sure its at a time of day when its not too hot and you have had plenty of water about an hour before if possible.Im sure you will get there next go.

I think everybody has a bad run. The key is to not over think it and put it to the back of your mind. Your body is adjusting so don't worry 😊

Don't give them headspace , easier said than done but you are in control, remember !
Ignore those voices in your head telling you to stop, think of something else , just don't entertain them
We all have not so good runs, even Mo Farrah and Paula Radcliffe
Inhale Confidence, Exhale Doubt, deep breaths , you can do this ! xxx

You've got this far so you can do it! A bit of extra practice never hurts Enjoy your next run

We have all had the gremlins. Keep going you can do this. Keep things slow and steady and you will get there xx

Slow, slow, slower your body IS ready. Take this run as a practise and slow it down the next time. Those gremlins are little b*ggers but they lie! You CAN do this

There was one day when after only about three minutes running I suddenly though 'Sod this for a game of Soldiers' and quit. It came out of the blue, I knew it would not stop me altogether but just for that day I simply did not have it in me. There were many days that I had to repeat before Graduation - but I never regarded them as 'failures' There are ONLY 'Practice' days and 'Success' days. If you go out the door and give it a go, you are a winner - the prize will come in its own good time when you get to post to us all 'I did it! I ran my third 30 minutes!! "
We may run on our own, but in this Forum we never run alone. Please keep running with us - slow and steady gets us all there

Don't beat yourself up, Sweetie, w6 is the toughest week in the whole programme. A great wave of adrenaline and excitement carries us through W5 and, flushed with triumph, we charge headlong into w6 feeling on top of the world. BUT w6 is the transition week between intervals and solid running. It's designed to build stamina and strength and it's hard, both physically and, more importantly, psychologically. So don't worry. Loads if us struggle on this week. Just take your rest day and then have another go. If you can do all the previous runs then you definitely CAN do this one. The only thing stopping you is confidence. So go for it, YOU CAN DO IT!!

Hi PersonalChallenge, take if from one who has graduated, week six for me was a Pig! I think after the total high of week 5 you feel you can take on the world and then you get to week 6 and it is harder to run less, my brain could not understand this and I did repeat one of the runs as like you
"I failed miserably" BUT I carried on and to be honest I completed to graduation and out of the whole 9 weeks, week 6 was the worst.
Put this run behind you, don't dwell on it and get straight onto week 7 and then onwards and upwards to the magic week 9.
Happy running and when the gremlins hit, give them a good taking to telling them both YOU and your children have more faith in YOU than they do!!

Fantastic! Well done, you definitely put those gremlins aside.......keep doing just that👍🏼